United States or São Tomé and Príncipe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He did so, and soon found himself an elk. "I want big horns and big feet," said he. "I wish to be very large." "Yes, yes," they said. "There," exerting all their power, "are you big enough?" "Yes," he answered, for he saw he was very large. They spent a good time in playing and running. Being rather cold one day he went into a thick wood for shelter, and was followed by most of the herd.

Then they waited until the others came in from the pool. But none of them knew what city had the honor to shelter the Blinders' agency. "I'll write the note, anyway," Dick insisted. "If I can't do better, I'll put the address as simply the United States, with a request on the envelope for the post-office people to find the right city and deliver the letter." "Go ahead with the letter," urged Tom.

"This won't do," said I. "They're after the cows." And I took the rifle from Denny's hand, cautioning him not to show his face at the window. Then I stood in the shelter of the wall, so that I could not be hit by the three, and levelled the rifle, not at any human enemies, but at the unoffending cows. "A dead cow," I remarked, "is a great deal harder to move than a live one."

Indeed, nothing could be worse except the prospect of living on it all alone, without any shelter, or fire, or proper clothing, and without any apparent chance of ever escaping from it. "I found, however, a sort of apology for a tree growing among the moss beds.

To such places the hogs fly for shelter, but the dogs can penetrate wherever hogs can go; and of course the latter are soon driven out, and forced into the more open ground, where the mounted men are waiting to receive them with a volley of bullets.

Although he was one of the few who did not join Llewelyn in this rising, he has ever been well-disposed towards his countrymen. So we hoped our brother would find shelter and help there. If he had tried to march with us, he must assuredly have died." "Ha!" said Alphonso smilingly, "methinks Llewelyn will have no trouble in gaining entrance there.

Riding up to her, he found that she who thus fled lonely as the shades of evening fell along the deserted road, was that little girl, his sister's protegee, who should have been safe under the shelter of his own roof. She stood still, breathless and disordered, as he drew up alongside of her. "What has happened? Where is my sister?

She came round Quette d'Amont with a fine sweep, like one bound on business of which she had no reason to be ashamed, and dropped her sail and lay in the shelter of the rock. And the white figure in the bows was truly Nance, and she was standing and waving and calling to him. And the grey-headed man aft was surely Philip Guille, the Sénéchal, and the faces of the rest were all friendly.

He remained standing when all the others lay down, and the captain at last called out to him, "In the devil's name, do you want to be a target for the French?" making him seek shelter behind a little mound, which left him nearly as uncovered as he was before.

When we reckon the circumstances that correspond to the nature of any animal, or to that of man in particular, such as safety, shelter, food, and the other means of enjoyment, or preservation, we sometimes think that we have found a sensible and a solid foundation on which to rest his felicity.