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This latter view is practically identical with that studied by Mystics, and it is usually spoken of as seven-fold, because there are really seven divisions, each being two-fold, having a life-side and a form-side.

That she wedded, at Paris, in deep obscurity, an Officer just setting out for Louisiana; lived many years there as a thrifty soldier's wife; returned to Paris with her Officer reduced to half-pay; and told him or told some select Official person after him, under seven-fold oath, being then a widow and necessitous her sublime secret.

I stretched out my hand, and it touched none whose sensations were responsive to mine. I was girded, walled in, vaulted over, by seven-fold barriers of loneliness. Occupation alone, if I could deliver myself up to it, would be capable of affording an opiate to my sleepless sense of woe.

At Banbury, in Oxfordshire, a Captain Thompson, at the head of two hundred men, published a manifesto, entitled "England's Standard Advanced," in which he declared that, if Lilburne, or his fellow-prisoners, were ill-treated, their sufferings should he avenged seventy times seven-fold upon their persecutors.

One only tells fibs about one's own responsibilities, and you aren't responsible for Brenton, as far as I know." "Heaven forbid!" Olive replied, with hasty piety. "I have all the responsibility I can endure, with you and Reed." "Best cut out Opdyke, then, and focus it all on me," Dolph advised her genially. "I need it, and I shall repay your effort, seven-fold."

And then I saw, what I never expect to witness again, till I see the eternal rainbows round about the throne of God, three entire respondent circles, one glowing with seven-fold beams within the other, full, clear, distinct as the starry stripes of our country's banner, no fracture in the smooth, majestic curves, no dimness in the gorgeous dyes. And moonlight, moonlight on the Falls!

It originates in an undue desire on the part of ministers and church members to strengthen their party. It is the same spirit that actuated the Pharisees of old, when our Saviour told them, "ye compass sea and land to make a proselyte;" and what then, after they had succeeded, why he is then "seven-fold more a child of hell than yourselves."

John Monteith, a Presbyterian clergyman who was President and seven-fold didactor, and Father Gabriel Richard, a Catholic priest who was Vice-President and incumbent of the other six didaxiim.

You know that in all science some are more arch than some, and so it is in the art as well as in the practice of wickedness, some are two-fold and some seven-fold more the children of hell than others and yet all the children of hell else they would all be masters, and none scholars in the school of wickedness. But there must be masters, and there must be learners; Mr.

For several minutes after we reached our station, the air appeared perfectly without movement, no flash broke through the seven-fold cloud, but a flickering light was visible, darting to and fro behind it. By degrees the thunder rolled onward, nearer and nearer, till the inky cloud burst asunder, and cataracts of light came pouring from behind it.