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When walking they carry their heads low, on a short neck; and their hinder legs are rather longer compared with the front legs than is usual. Their bare teeth, their short heads, and upturned nostrils give them the most ludicrous self-confident air of defiance imaginable.

He was, moreover, a man of singularly open soul, and of a temper self-confident enough to be candid even with himself. His mind was growing to the last, his judgment widening and deepening, his artistic sense refining itself more and more. He confessed his errors, and was not ashamed to retrace his steps in search of that better knowledge which the omniscience of superficial study had disparaged.

Of all these men Prince Andrew sympathized most with Pfuel, angry, determined, and absurdly self-confident as he was. Of all those present, evidently he alone was not seeking anything for himself, nursed no hatred against anyone, and only desired that the plan, formed on a theory arrived at by years of toil, should be carried out.

Whereas in Mariette the vigorous, self-confident English world based on the Protestant idea produced a bitter and profound irritation, Anderson seemed to find in that world something ripening and favouring that brought out all the powers the intellectual powers at least of his nature.

The ordeal through which he had gone in resisting the blandishments of the lady of Rome had certainly done much towards the strengthening of his character. Although in small and outward matters he was self-confident enough, nevertheless in things affecting the inner man he aimed at a humility of spirit which would never have been attractive to him but for that visit to the coast of Cornwall.

Here, in London, one's life is safer than anywhere else in the world, perhaps certainly safer than in some places I could name in your own country, eh?" at which he grinned. The next moment he grew serious again, and said: "I only warn the signore that if he goes out it is at his own peril." "Then let it be so," I laughed, feeling self-confident that no one could lead me into any trap.

"Blind, egotistical, self-confident fool," they shouted. "That something like this should have happened is the most natural thing in the world, and it has been farthest from your mind." He remained silent so long that Philip was forced to laugh, a bit uneasily.

He never sought to impress himself: but his was a large, affectionate, liberal nature, more responsive to life, more lavish of self, more disinterested than any human being that had crossed my path. He had never desired to make disciples he was not self-confident or self-regarding enough for that.

Manasseh humbling himself greatly before God was higher than when, in the pride of his heart, he shut God out from it. Affliction should clear our sight, that we may see ourselves as we are; and, if we do, there will be an end of high looks, and we shall 'take the lowest room. Thus humbled, we shall pray as the self-confident and outwardly prosperous cannot do.

An exuberant Jones has been known before now to declare aloud that he would crush a man, and a self-confident Jones has been known to declare that he has accomplished the deed. Of all reviews, the crushing review is the most popular, as being the most readable.