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"He is an 'ecrigneule'," returned Manette, shrugging her shoulders. 'Ecrigneule' is a word of the Langrois dialect, signifying a puny, sickly, effeminate being. In the mouth of Madame Sejournant, this picturesque expression acquired a significant amount of scornful energy.

It took the young man several days to make the necessary changes, and during that time he enjoyed a respite from the petty annoyances worked by the steady hostility of Manette Sejournant and her son.

I have come to install myself in the chateau, and I had sent word of my intention to Monsieur Arbillot, the notary I am surprised he did not notify you." "Ah! it is you, Monsieur Julien de Buxieres!" exclaimed Madame Sejournant, scrutinizing the newcomer with a mingling of curiosity and scornful surprise which completed the young man's discomfiture.

She made a mental comparison of him with Claudet, the bold huntsman, alert, resolute, full of dash and spirit, and a feeling of charitable compassion arose in her heart at the thought of the reception which the Sejournant family would give to this new master, so timid and so little acquainted with the ways and dispositions of country folk.

He rose suddenly, and, leaving the library, went to the kitchen, where Manette Sejournant was busy preparing the breakfast. "Where is your son?" said he. "I wish to speak with him." Manette looked inquiringly at him. "My son," she replied, "is in the garden, fixing up a box to take away his little belongings in he doesn't want to stay any longer at other peoples' expense.

"It is Claudet Sejournant," replied Julien, very gently; and in an altered tone. The glow that had illumined the dark orbs of the young girl faded away, her eyelids dropped, and her countenance became as rigid as before; but Julien did not notice anything.

However, it is not only a question of Claudet's happiness, but of yours also. Come now! let me ask you: is your affection for young Sejournant so powerful that in the event of any unforeseen circumstance happening, to break off the marriage, you would be forever unhappy?" "Ah!" replied Reine, more embarrassed than ever, "you ask too grave a question, Monsieur le Cure!

As the travellers entered, the manly form of Claudet Sejournant was outlined against the bright light of the window at his back. "My son," said Manette, with a meaning side look, especially for his benefit, "here is Monsieur de Buxieres, come to take possession of his inheritance." The grand chasserot attempted a silent salutation, and then the young men took a rapid survey of each other.

"You will inform Madame Sejournant," said he to the girl, as he folded his napkin, "that I am not a great eater, and that one dish will suffice me in future." He left her to clear away, and went out to look at the domain which he was to call his own. It did not take him very long.

"I will write this evening," said the notary; "in the meanwhile, the keeping of the seals will be continued by Claudet Sejournant." The justice inclined his head to Manette, who was standing, pale and motionless, at the foot of the bed; stunned by the unexpected announcement; the bailiff and the chief clerk, after gathering up their papers, shook hands sympathizingly with Claudet.