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They both watched Gudrun go along the landing by the railing upstairs. 'Ein schones Frauenzimmer, said the Professor. 'Ja! asserted Loerke, shortly. Gerald walked with his queer, long wolf-steps across the bedroom to the window, stooped and looked out, then rose again, and turned to Gudrun, his eyes sharp with an abstract smile.

"This is a hint for the younger part of the company to pounce upon the Misses Rodelein. A great tumult ensues; in the midst of which you can distinguish these words, "'Schones Fraulein! do not refuse us the gratification of your heavenly talent! O, sing something! that's a good dear! impossible, bad cold, the last ball! have not practised anything, oh, do, do, we beg of you, etc.

This is a crisp and noble word, but it fails to pierce the marrow of the impulse which has gathered this friendly meeting and produced diese Anblick eine Anblich welche ist gut zu sehen gut fuer die Augen in a foreign land and a far country eine Anblick solche als in die gewöhnliche Heidelberger phrase nennt man ein "schönes Aussicht!" Ja, freilich natürlich wahrscheinlich ebensowohl! Also!

"E bellissima, certamente," said the Duca de Montepulciano, and stroked down his jetty moustache. "Ein gar schones Madchen," said the Hereditary Grand Duke of Eulenschreckenstein, and turned up his carroty one. "Elle n'est pas mal, ma foi!" said the Prince de Borodino, with a scowl on his darkling brows. "Mon Dieu, que ces cigarres sont mauvais!" he added as he too cast away his Cuba.

Well it was early this A. M. and I couldn't sleep and I was up on deck and along come one of them French officers that's been on board all the way over. Well I thought I would try myself out on him like Lee said he done so I give him a salute and I said to him "Schones tag nicht wahr."

This is a crisp and noble word, but it fails to pierce the marrow of the impulse which has gathered this friendly meeting and produced diese Anblick eine Anblich welche ist gut zu sehen gut fuer die Augen in a foreign land and a far country eine Anblick solche als in die gewöhnliche Heidelberger phrase nennt man ein "schönes Aussicht!" Ja, freilich natürlich wahrscheinlich ebensowohl! Also!

I walk up there every morning at 10, write until 3, talk the most hopeless and unimprovable German with the family 'til 5, then tramp down to the Hotel for the night. It is a schones Aussicht up there as you may remember. The exercise of climbing up there is invigorating but devilish. I have just written regrets to the Paris Literary Convention.