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And to what numerous stages of being, what paths, what duties, what active and glorious tasks in other worlds may we not be reserved perhaps to know and share them together, and mount age after age higher in the scale of being. For surely in heaven there is no pause or torpor we do not lie down in calm and unimprovable repose. Movement and progress will remain the law and condition of existence.

It is the man who is always worried, whose means are uncertain, whose home is uncomfortable, whose nerves are rasped by some kind friend who daily repeats and enlarges upon everything disagreeable for him to hear, it is he who thinks hardly of the character and prospects of humankind, and who believes in the essential and unimprovable badness of the race.

All this time Jo has been standing on the spot where he woke up, ever picking his cap and putting bits of fur in his mouth. He spits them out with a remorseful air, for he feels that it is in his nature to be an unimprovable reprobate and that it's no good HIS trying to keep awake, for HE won't never know nothink.

"It is a vera clear and parspicuous position of the case, my lord; and in relying thereupon, you show an absolute and unimprovable acquaintance with the King, Court, and mankind in general.-But whom have we got here? Stand up, my lord, and make way by my word of honour, they are the very men we spoke of talk of the devil, and humph!"

In some of his works his style is only surpassed by the unimprovable sentences of Hobbes of Malmsbury, the paragon of perspicuity. The mental habits of Hobbes and Franklin in several points, especially in one of some moment, assimilated.

In all Bible stories it is well to keep as near as possible to the original unimprovable text. Some amplification can be made, but no excessive modernising or simplifying is excusable in face of the austere grace and majestic simplicity of the original. The stories given in pages 133 to 246 are grouped as illustrations of the types suitable for different stages.

I was moreover promised, at a future day, some illustrations of this branch of the subject. "To pursue the more regular thread of my lecture," continued Dr. Reasono, when he had politely made this little digression, "we now divide these portions of the created world into animated and vegetable nature; the former is again divided into the improvable, and the unimprovable, and the retrogressive.

In short, it was worse "than negro slavery," but there was no help for it there she was, and there she was obliged to stay. Well, and did she improve under this good discipline? Was she any the better for it? I am sorry to say very little. There are subjects that are almost unimprovable. She was, by nature, a poor, shallow, weedy thing; her education had been the worst possible for her.

It was hardly to be realized that these were the besotted habitans, the unimprovable race, the blotch on the fair face of Canadian civilisation; these happy-looking, simple-minded people. Hiram Holt was a slanderer.

And to what numerous stages of being, what paths, what duties, what active and glorious tasks in other worlds may we not be reserved perhaps to know and share them together, and mount age after age higher in the scale of being. For surely in heaven there is no pause or torpor we do not lie down in calm and unimprovable repose. Movement and progress will remain the law and condition of existence.