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It was now long past midnight. Whither could she be going at that hour? She heard her go gently to the left, past the window; and yet her footfall was all but inaudible. No rain had fallen, and her shoes ought to have sounded on the hard earth. She must have taken them off. There, she was stopping, just by the school-door. Now she moved again.

The weather was dark and cold. Night had already begun. I rang the school-door bell with the tranquillity of a resolute man. The moment that the timid servant opened the door, I slipped a gold piece into her hand, and promised her another if she would arrange matters so that I could see Mademoiselle Alexandre. Her answer was, "In one hour from now, at the grated window."

He wished he were a painter, that he might paint the pretty domestic scenes he saw: the cattle coming home at evening, the children crowding round the school-mistress, as they walked away with her from the school-door, the groups of girls sitting at sunset on the door-steps under the elms, the broad meadows, the rushing mountain-streams.

In her thoughts she could already see his dark eyes flash with joy, hear his amazed: "Cillchen! You?" Cilia pushed her hat straight on her beautiful fair hair, and stared fixedly at the school-door with a more vivid red on her red cheeks: the bell would soon ring then he would come rushing out then . All at once she saw the boy's mother. She?

"The cure was still looking at the dead man; but at last he turned to me and said: "'Oh! What a horrible thing!" Noon had just struck. The school-door opened and the youngsters streamed out tumbling over one another in their haste to get out quickly.

As Alison spoke, she pushed open the narrow green door of the little lodging-house, and there issued a weak, sweet sound of voices: "The strain upraise of joy and praise." It was the same that had met their ears at the school-door, but the want of body in the voices was fully compensated by the heartfelt ring, as if here indeed was praise, not practice. "Aunt Ailie!

As the court were debating about the next step to be taken they were acquainted that Jack, the widow's son, was waiting at the school-door for admission; and a person being sent out for him, Riot was found threatening the boy, and bidding him go home about his business.

Each morning he called at the various houses, he led the children out, he carried the little ones, some on his back and some in his arms, he chastised with a stick those who were inclined to play truant, and he landed them all safely at the school-door. St.

"The thought arose `gather in the most forlorn and wretched children; those who are seldom seen to smile, or heard to laugh; there are many such who require Christian sympathy. The thought was immediately acted on. A little barefooted ragged boy was sent into the streets to bring in the children. Soon there was a crowd round the school-door. The most miserable among the little ones were admitted.

One evening, just as she had finished her work, Mr. Saul's head appeared at the school-door, and he asked her whether she were about to return home. As soon as she saw his eye and heard his voice, she feared that the day was come. She was prepared with no new answer, and could only give the answer that she had given before.