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"I'd got married just for fun, When in popped Baby Number one "I'd got an easy job to do, When in strolled Baby Number Two "I was fishin' in the sea, When up swum Baby Number Three "My boat had scarcely touched the shore, When in clumb Baby Number Four! "I was the scaredest man alive, When wife found Baby Number Five. "The cradle was all broke to sticks When in blew Baby Number Six

We all run up in front of the grandstand, and stood lookin' up at Pinto, and him the maddest, scaredest, cross-eyedest horse I ever did see in all my life. His single blinder was swingin' loose under his neck. His eyes was right mean and white, and the Mexican saints only knows which way he was a-lookin'.

On the whole, I reckon we was the three lonesomest, scaredest, unhappiest people in all that big town it was Christmas Eve too! There was a lot of other people in a row standing down the hall, back of this sad man. He located us at last and began to help Old Man Wright take off his overcoat and me too; but I wouldn't let him. I wasn't sick or nothing.

Say, we want a few, didn't we, Smoke, I don't mind tellin' you in confidence that before we started I was the gosh-dangdest scaredest man this side of the Rocky-Mountains. Now I'm a bear-eater. Come on an' we'll run that other boat through." Midway back, on foot, they encountered their employers, who had watched the passage from above. "There comes the fish-eaters," said Shorty.

It would have been all right, and she could have propped the bed up and proceeded with her dying, had not the actress got rattled. Most actresses get lost entirely when anything occurs that is not in the play, and Miss Gray was the scaredest female that ever lived.

"You made a loud enough racket; but you took good care to keep out of the bear's reach." The old dog barked his denial. He had been the last to run away. And he thought that proved he was the bravest of the three. "You were the scaredest," Johnnie told the Muley Cow. And she didn't deny it.

"Oh, it isn't you," said Dan Anderson, calmly. "Nobody's afraid of you. It's your daughter it's the woman. Don't you reckon Adam was about the scaredest thing in the wide, wide world about the time old Ma Eve set up her bakeshop under the spreading fig tree? I don't know that I make myself right plain you see, it's sort of funny here. We aren't used to women any more."

There was five or six minutes there when my life wasn't worth a last year's bird's-nest and I tell you, sir, I was the scaredest man that ever drew the breath of life. And then something happened to be said that put the matter right they saw I was the wrong man and then why then they couldn't be polite enough to me.

Smoke, I don't mind tellin' you in confidence that before we started I was the gosh-dangdest scaredest man this side of the Rocky Mountains. Now I'm a bear-eater. Come on an' we'll run that other boat through." Midway back, on foot, they encountered their employers, who had watched the passage from above. "There comes the fish-eaters," said Shorty. "Keep to win'ward."

Then he whistled again, and I see his head sticking out of the top of a palm tree. "'Is she gone? says he. "'Yes, long ago, says I. 'Come down. "It took some coaxing to git him down, but he come after a spell, and he was the scaredest man ever I see. I asked him what the matter was. "''Edge, says he, 'I'm a lost man. That 'ere 'orrible 'Ankins houtrage is either going to marry me or kill me.