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A joint of roast beef made its appearance, and for some minutes nothing was heard save the sounds made by forks and moving jaws, and by the servants crossing the floor with the two words on their lips, which they repeated continually: "Madeira! Sauterne!" The conversation was resumed by the gentleman from Cherbourg: "How were they to stop on the slope of an abyss?"

I was sure Soames didn't want my company; but I asked, as it would have seemed brutal not to, whether I might join him, and took the chair opposite to his. He was smoking a cigarette, with an untasted salmi of something on his plate and a half-empty bottle of Sauterne before him, and he was quite silent. I said that the preparations for the Jubilee made London impossible.

E. Wittenoom, to await the arrival of Mr. Burgess. When we were all conversing in the house, and discussing some excellent sauterne, the opportunity for his successful attempt was seized by the prisoner. He effected his escape through the good offices of a confederate friend, a civilised young black fellow, who pretended he wanted his hair cut, and got a pair of sheep shears from Mr.

Hicks, produced respectively a bottle of sauterne, bucellas, and sherry, and took wine with everybodyexcept Tibbs. No one ever thought of him. Between the fish and an intimated sirloin, there was a prolonged interval. Here was an opportunity for Mr. Hicks. He could not resist the singularly appropriate quotation

Sherry should always be served cold, at a temperature of 40o Fahrenheit; the Madeira may be served at a temperature of 65o F., or that of the room. Sauterne or Rhine Wine go with the fish course. They are poured, like the Claret, at the end of the preceding course, before the next course comes on. Rhine Wine should always be cold: 40o F.

Chateau Filhot: Of rich color and good flavor. Chateau Latour Blanche: A white sauterne of exquisite bouquet. Haut Sauterne: Soft and mild. Of good flavor. Vin de Graves: Good and Strong. Good aroma and flavor. Vintage years have much to do with the quality of wines. The best vintage years are as follows: Champagnes: 1892. Rhein and Moselle: 1893. Burgandy: 1892, 1899 and 1904.

Certain wines are taken with certain dishes, by old-established custom as sherry, or sauterne, with soup and fish; hock and claret with roast meat; punch with turtle; champagne with whitebait; port with venison; port, or burgundy, with game; sparkling wines between the roast and the confectionery; madeira with sweets; port with cheese; and for dessert, port, tokay, madeira, sherry, and claret.

Take two tablespoonfuls of Spanish sauce, and dissolve in it a good teaspoonful of gelatine softened in cold stock, a tablespoonful of aspic, and one of thick mint sauce. If no aspic is ready, it is not worth while to make for the small quantity needed; a teaspoonful of glaze, two of gelatine, and half a wineglass of Sauterne may be dissolved together to take its place.

"Cairo! Zanzibar! Brazil! Trinidad! Seville uh Samar Samarkand." "Where's Samarkand?" "I don't know. And I'm going to see it all some day. And the different people. The people that travel, and know about what kind of wine with the roast and the fish. You know the kind in the novels that say, 'You've chilled this sauterne too much, Bemish." "And when you do see all these places," retorted Mrs.

Of figs, peaches, and melons there are yet a few. Oranges and pomegranates just begin to be eatable. The house affords Madeira wine, brandy, and porter. Yesterday my neighbour, Mr. Couper, sent me an assortment of French wines, consisting of Claret, Sauterne, and Champagne, all excellent; and at least a twelve months' supply of orange shrub, which makes a most delicious punch.