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While the professor marched up and down flippin' his coat tails with his hands and sayin', "Who said Sapolio? Who said Sapolio?" But no one told and he couldn't find out. So on this day when George Heigold got a hundred in geometry, somethin' else happened. It was a warm day and you could hear bees outside, and the trees was beginnin' to show green.

Wiley would reply politely, reaching out a large hand that gave evidence, in spite of Sapolio, of an intimacy with grease cups and splash pans. "I guess there's nobody in this burg can make doughnuts to beat yours, Miss Bumpus." If she had only known which doughnut he would take; Hannah sometimes thought she might have been capable of putting arsenic in it.

Wiley would reply politely, reaching out a large hand that gave evidence, in spite of Sapolio, of an intimacy with grease cups and splash pans. "I guess there's nobody in this burg can make doughnuts to beat yours, Miss Bumpus." If she had only known which doughnut he would take; Hannah sometimes thought she might have been capable of putting arsenic in it.

"Not at all," said her aunt; "it is good for it! Get the nice white cloth and a cake of soap, not the sapolio, because that would scratch it, and roll up your sleeves.

He is a good boy; he will swear no more." "Very well," was Teacher's ungracious acquiescence; "I shall try him again. And if he should swear " "You will not wash out his mouth " "I shall, and this time I shall use hot water and sapolio and washing soda." Mr. Borrachsohn smiled blandly and turned to explain this dictum to his clan.

With a full supply of all conveniences, plenty of soap and sapolio, which is far better and cleaner to use than either sand or ashes; with clean, soft towels for glass and silver; a mop, the use of which not only saves the hands but enables you to have hotter water; and a full supply of coarser towels for the heavier dishes, the work can go on swiftly.

'He's General Rompiro General Josey Alfonso Sapolio Jew-Ann Rompiro he has his cards printed by a news-ticker. He's the real thing, Sully, and he wants me to manage his campaign he wants Denver C. Galloway for a president-maker. Think of that, Sully! Old Denver romping down to the tropics, plucking lotus-flowers and pineapples with one hand and making presidents with the other!

A one-horse church full of statues! And every statue crying for sapolio! You expect to see something magnificent, something enormous, something to knock your eye out and send you down for the count. What you do see is a second-rate graveyard under roof. And when you examine into it, you find that two-thirds of the graves haven't even got a dead man in them.

So one day the professor called out quick as a test of what he had told us before: "What element is found on the planet Mars that is not found anywhere else in the universe?" And George Heigold who was sittin' way back yelled out "Sapolio" and the whole school went wild, into a roar of laugh.

Wiley would reply politely, reaching out a large hand that gave evidence, in spite of Sapolio, of an intimacy with grease cups and splash pans. "I guess there's nobody in this burg can make doughnuts to beat yours, Miss Bumpus." If she had only known which doughnut he would take; Hannah sometimes thought she might have been capable of putting arsenic in it.