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Oh, since he had that operation and had his appendix chopped out, he thinks there is a bond of sympathy between him and King Edward that will cause him to be invited to be the guest of royalty. He is just daffy," and the bad boy took a sapolio label out of a box and pasted it on the other end of the valise.

However, she put on her long-sleeved apron and out of the little bathroom cupboard she took the flannel cloth, the cotton cloth, the sapolio, the metal polish, a queer little brush of twigs with a long handle and a bottle of disinfectant, all of which stood ready there in a neat row.

As it is, scald out the dish-mop, and put it away, and get the wire dish-washer, and a little household ammonia and sapolio, and some more very hot water in the dish-pan, and we will do these in a minute." Then she showed Margaret how to wash out her rinsing-pan well, and wipe it dry before hanging it on its nail.

Nevertheless, in spite of this bellicose admonition, Lucy had no opportunity during the next few weeks to deliver to the Howes her aunt's message, for Ellen, feeling that she was now blessed with an able assistant whose time must not be wasted, seized upon the mild May weather to deluge her home from top to bottom with soapsuds, sapolio, and fresh paint.

Frank inquired mildly, while the rest of him followed his head into the room. "The fellows told me to come on ahead, and say to you ladies that they would be here as soon as they got through scouring their frying pan." "Poor boys," said Amy impulsively. "Why don't they bring the things here?" But Mollie's thoughts took another direction. "I hope they bring back the sapolio," she said practically.

"You are mistaken," said he. "Mr. Borrachsohn gained his point and you most gracefully capitulated." "I," cried Teacher; "I yield to that horrid man! Never! I said I should use soda and sapolio " "Precisely," the Principal acquiesced. "And both soda and sapolio are kosher lawful, clean.