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"What is it you say?" "Well may you doubt your ears," he groaned. "But, Vergine Santissima! it is the truth. Madonna Paola, that sweet angel of God, lies cold and stiff. They found her so this morning." "God of Heaven!" I cried out, and leaving him abruptly I dashed down the steps.

Another enemy was in like manner on board the TEMERAIRE; so that these four ships formed as compact a tier as if they had been moored together, their heads lying all the same way. An incessant fire was kept up from the VICTORY from both sides; her larboard guns playing upon the BUCENTAURE and the huge SANTISSIMA TRINIDAD.

Afterward, a dark, adder-like compunction glided through the flowery expanse of her joy in Tesuque, as she wondered if there was not something heathenish in his lordly enshrinement upon a Christian mantelpiece. "Maybe he's an idol!" thought Jane. "Lola," she asked, perturbed, "you don't pray to Tersookey, do you?" Lola looked horrified. "Me? Maria Santissima! I am of the Church!

And as for our children," he paused and laughed, "per la Santissima Madonna! if the salt and iron of the ocean be not in their blood, they will be no children of mine!" I smiled at his enthusiasm, and pouring out some choice Montepulciano, bade him taste it. He did so with a keen appreciation of its flavor, such as many a so-called connoisseur of wines does not possess.

"Santissima!" continues the gaucho in the same serious tone, "we're lost as it is now!" "But how lost?" inquires Ludwig, who, with his more limited experience of pampas life, is puzzled to understand what the gaucho means. "In what way?" "Just because there's no may. That's the very thing we've lost, senorito. Look around! Now, can you tell east from west, or north from south?

Our helm was then put up, and we fell aboard the `Redoubtable, while the `Temeraire, Captain Blackwood, ranged up on the other side of her, and another French ship got alongside the `Temeraire. There we were all four locked together, pounding away at each other, while with our larboard guns we were engaging the `Bucentaur, and now and then getting a shot at the big Spaniard, the `Santissima Trinidade. Meantime our other ships had each picked out one or more of the enemy, and were hotly engaged with them.

Ah, Maria Santissima! how I do pity his good mother!" "Poor Don Luis!" said Isabel plaintively. "He is so handsome, and he sings like a very angel. And he loves my father; he wanted to be a doctor, so that he could always be with him. I dare say this man called Houston is no better than a Jew, and perhaps very ugly beside. Let us talk no more about him and the Americans.

And they sent me " "'Alone'? you ask me, Illustrissimi? Santissima Vergine! the whole city pouring in to the cries of those that found him; and the murderers off before one could touch them, and never a guard near! They carried him into the Servi.

The eminent American sculptor Greenough, who has recently departed this life, wrote several years ago a very interesting account of a wonderful picture at Florence, from which the following is extracted: "When you enter the church of Santissima Annunziata, at Florence, your attention is drawn at once to a sort of miniature temple on the left hand.

You have been lost upon the Llano Estacado?" "Hunger, thirst both, senorita," he answers, speaking for the first time. "For days I have not tasted either food or drink." "Virgen santissima! is that so?" As she says this she returns to her horse; and, jerking a little wallet from the saddle, along, with a suspended gourd, again advances towards him.