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And there I sat in the half-darkness, shrinking from a danger of whose existence I was not certain, clinging miserably to the little that was left of what the world of sunshine had known as Paul Lamar, gentleman, scientist, and connoisseur of life; sans philosophy, sans hope, and sans-culotte. But the senses remain; and suddenly I became aware of a movement in the water of the lake.

'I have hold of him, I have hold of him! he exclaims, and, indeed, he did hold me with his teeth, legs, and arms, like a madman. At last, 'scoundrel, monster, bastard, says he, 'are you a marquis? 'No, I replied, 'I am a sans-culotte. 'Ah, well people, you hear what he says, he exclaims, 'he says that he is a sans-culotte, and that is the way he greets a denunciation on the maximum!

"It was the company of that sans-culotte rascal that soured me. I had enough of him a month ago, when he brought me to Paris. It offended me to have him stand here again in the same room with me, and insolently refer to his pledged word as though he were a gentleman born." "To whom do you refer?" quoth she. "Ma foi! How many of them are there? Why, to this fellow, La Boulaye?"

De Menou, by turns a nobleman and a sans-culotte, a Christian and a Mussulman, is wicked and profligate, not from the impulse of the moment or of any sudden gust of passion, but coldly and deliberately. He calculates with sangfroid the profit and the risk of every infamous action he proposes to commit, and determines accordingly.

Thus our regicide, Cambaceres, owes his princely title to the shallow intrigues of the agents of legitimate Sovereigns. Their nicety in talking of innovations with regard to him, after they had without difficulty hailed a sans-culotte an Emperor, and other sans-culottes Imperial Highnesses, was as absurd as improper.

"Education, " says another contemporary, "amiable qualities, gentle ways, a mild physiognomy, bodily graces, a cultivated mind, all natural endowments are henceforth the inevitable causes of proscription." One is self-condemned if one has not converted oneself into a sans-culotte and proletarian, in accordance with affected modes, air, language and dress. Hence,

The sans-culotte of 1793 takes the Iron Crown in 1804. The fanatical lovers of Equality or Death conspire fourteen years afterwards with a Legitimist aristocracy to bring back Louis XVIII. And that same aristocracy, lording it to-day in the Faubourg Saint-Germain, has done worse has been merchant, usurer, pastry-cook, farmer, and shepherd.

The Green-Eyed Capitalist By: Dr. Sam Vaknin Conservative sociologists self-servingly marvel at the peaceful proximity of abject poverty and ostentatious affluence in American or, for that matter, Western cities. The French Revolution may have been the last time the urban sans-culotte raised a fuss against the economically enfranchised. This pacific co-existence conceals a maelstrom of envy.

I was by honour bound to leave nothing undone that might result in the Vicomte's enlargement." Ornbreval laughed softly, but with consummate amusement. "A sans-culotte with a sense of honour is such an anomaly " he began, when Mademoiselle interposed, a note of anger sounding in her voice.

Without inquiring or caring about the etiquette of the Court of Lisbon, he brought the sans-culotte etiquette of the Court of the Tuileries with him, and determined to fraternize with a foreign and legitimate Sovereign, as he had done with his own sans-culotte friend and First Consul; and, what is the more surprising, he carried his point.