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There was an abundance of talk and fun all around, as "The Swallow" skimmed onward; and the outlines of the long, low sand-island were rapidly becoming more distinct. Nearer they drew, and nearer. "Is that a light-house, away over there?" asked Annie of Dab. "Yes, that's a light-house; and there's a wrecking-station, close down by it." "A wrecking-station?"

He took it good-naturedly at first and then ignored her suggestions as if she were a kitten complaining at his feet. She studied him with baffling rage at the mystery of his personality. The long silences between them grew from hour to hour. She could see that he was restless now at the isolation of their sand-island home.

It was a good deal more like a land-locked "sound" than any sort of a bay, with that long, low, narrow sand-island cutting it off from the ocean. "I don't wonder Ham Morris called her the 'Swallow," said Ford. "How she skims! Can you get in under the deck, there, forward? That's the cabin." "Yes, that's the cabin," replied Dab. "But Ham had the door put in with a slide, water-tight.

Dab explained that as soon as Dick found he was really to go to the academy he determined to teach his tongue new habits, and the whole company heartily approved, even while they joined Dab in advising him not to try too much at a time. Plenty of talk and fun all around as the "Swallow" skimmed onward, and the long, low outlines of the narrow sand-island were rapidly becoming more distinct.

Why, Dab, there ain't any thing else in the world prettier than that reach of water and the sand-island, with the ocean beyond it. There's some ducks and some gulls. Why, Dab, do you see that? There's a porpoise, inside the bar!"

Hallier has, however, pointed out that the Heligolanders do not use this name for their home. They call the island "det Lunn" the land; their language they call "Hollunner," and he suggests that the original name was Hallig-lunn. A hallig is a sand-island occasionally covered with water. When the Düne was connected with the rock there was a large stretch of sand covered by winter floods.

Real charity never cares to make an exhibition of itself. They were pretty thoroughly worn out, both of them; but they carefully moored "The Swallow" in her usual berth before they left her. She had effectually "discharged her cargo," over on the sand-island; but they Had enough of a load to carry home, in the shape of empty baskets and things of that sort.

"Our choice of a camp had been very unfortunate; for on a sand-island opposite us were immense numbers of geese, swan, ducks, and other wild fowl, which during the whole night serenaded us with a confusion of noises which completely prevented our sleeping. During the latter part of the night it rained, and we therefore willingly left camp at an early hour.

"But still, fearing he would give up that pursuit, and again take after me, I ran for the river, which I at length reached, and threw myself exhausted down on the bank. As it happened, I had struck the river exactly at the intended point, which was where a small sand-island had been thrown up in the middle of the stream.