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Abandoning his bow, Partha duly received his sister and enquired of her as to what he could do for her. The queen replied unto him, saying, "O chief of the Bharatas, this child is the son of thy sister's son. He salutes thee, O Partha. Look at him, O foremost of men."

No essay on the power of beer could exhibit it more convincingly than, the happy indifference with which they received admonishing blows from quart-pots, salutes from hot pipe-bowls, pricks from pipe-ends, on nose, and cheek, and pate; as if to vindicate for their beloved beverage a right to rank with that old classic drink wherewith the fairest of women vanquished human ills.

The admiring looks, the respectful salutes, the smiles of the women, the soft, caressing tones of Sabine, and Madame Gerson's pearly teeth, he saw or heard all these again, and above all, this word clear as a clarion, triumphant as a trumpet's blast: Success! All this came back again to him. "You have succeeded!" He heard Guy's voice again speaking this to him in joyous tones. Succeeded!

Harry rode on, saluting Colonel Talbot and Lieutenant-Colonel St. Hilaire as he passed. They returned the salutes, but said nothing, and in a few minutes he was with General Jackson again. It was now March, and the spring was making headway in the great valley. The first flush of green was over everything.

Certain officers have certain salutes. The President has, I think, twenty-one guns, while the Commander-in-Chief has thirteen, and so on. Wofford's Georgia regiment was on the right, then Barksdale's Mississippi, Kershaw's South Carolina and Cobb's Georgia constituted McLaws' division. The column wheeled by companies into line and took up the march of review.

On the street, salutes between officers and men are perpetual, punctiliously given and returned, the hand raised to the temple, and held there for a second.

He returned their salutes, turned sharply and walked from the room. Outside, Steve Strong leaned against the wall and stared through the crystal shell of the atmosphere station into the endless desert. "Thank you, Mars," he said softly, "for making spacemen out of the Polaris crew!" He saluted sharply and walked away. Tom suddenly burst from the room with Roger and Astro yelling after him.

Whilst smoking, with eyes bent upon the receding troop, a sound salutes their ears, causing both to start. Fortunately they draw back behind one of the boulders, and there remain listening.

He gave us the ball; and on the very next down Rearick conjugated a French verb perfectly for a touchdown. All of this was duly announced to the stadium and the excitement was intense. I guess there were as many as two hundred Chautauqua salutes after that touchdown.

Finally she salutes him and asks about Vanderdecken; and Daland, in haste, discloses his plan. Neither Vanderdecken nor Senta speaks; so, with a stroke of the old-fashioned opera trickery, Wagner makes Daland feel himself de trop and go away.