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Una closed the last sale at Crosshampton Hill Gardens in the autumn of 1915, and returned to town, to the office-world and the job. Her record had been so clean and promising that she was able to demand a newly-created position woman sales-manager, at twenty-five hundred dollars a year, selling direct and controlling five other women salesmen. Mr.

You know it's women who make the homes for people at home, and why not the homes for people traveling?... I'm woman sales-manager for Truax & Fein sell direct, and six women under me. I'll show you my record of sales. I've been secretary to an architect, and studied architecture a little. And plenty other jobs.

All week Una asked advice of "Chas.," the sales-manager, who, between extensive exhortations to keep away from selling "because it's the hardest part of the game, and, believe me, it gets the least gratitude" gave her instructions in the tactics of "presenting a proposition to a client," "convincing a prospect of the salesman's expert knowledge of values," "clinching the deal," "talking points," and "desirability of location."

Then the sales-manager, that driving but festive soul, Mr. Charles Salmond, whom everybody called "Chas." pronounced "Chaaz" a good soul who was a little tiresome because he was so consistently an anthology of New York. He believed in Broadway, the Follies, good clothes, a motor-car, Palm Beach, and the value of the Salvation Army among the lower classes. When Mr. Fein fought for real beauty in their suburban developments it was Chas. who echoed all of New York by rebelling, "We aren't in business for our health this idealistic game is O.

They talked to the secretary of the Zenith Foundry Company about an interesting artistic project a cast-iron fence for Linden Lane Cemetery. They drove on to the Zeeco Motor Company and interviewed the sales-manager, Noel Ryland, about a discount on a Zeeco car for Thompson.

To them, the Romantic Hero was no longer the knight, the wandering poet, the cowpuncher, the aviator, nor the brave young district attorney, but the great sales-manager, who had an Analysis of Merchandizing Problems on his glass-topped desk, whose title of nobility was "Go-getter," and who devoted himself and all his young samurai to the cosmic purpose of Selling not of selling anything in particular, for or to anybody in particular, but pure Selling.

The sales-manager brought this latter back from Philadelphia and hung it on his desk, and when the admiring citizenry surrounded it, Una joined them.... As a married woman she was not expected to be shocked by the word, "hell!"... But most beautiful was Christmas Eve, when all distinctions were suspended for an hour before the office closed, when Mr.

This advance in civilization could be carried too far, Babbitt perceived. Noel Ryland, sales-manager of the Zeeco, was a frivolous graduate of Princeton, while Babbitt was a sound and standard ware from that great department-store, the State University.

Two months later found T. A. Buck and his sales-manager, both shirt- sleeved, both smoking nervously, as they marked, ticketed, folded, arranged. They were getting out the travelers' spring lines. Entered Mrs. McChesney, and stood eying them, worriedly. It was her dozenth visit to the stock-room that morning. A strange restlessness seemed to trouble her.

At the top were the big chiefs, the officers of the company, and the heads of departments Mr. Pemberton and his sons, the treasurer, the general manager, the purchasing-agent, the superintendents of the soda-fountain-syrup factory, of the soap-works, of the drug-laboratories, of the toilet-accessories shops, the sales-manager, and Mr. S. Herbert Ross.