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They tied his bound wrists to the saddle-horn, and also tied his ankles under the horse's belly, leaving just play enough for him to use the stirrups. The six then mounted their own horses, and they set off at a swift lope away from the river one leading Ambrose's horse. They extended themselves in single file along a well-beaten trail.

When they came to the point where he had turned they found that he had entered a concealed break in the mountain a chasm with walls that rose almost perpendicular for a thousand feet above their heads. A dark and solemn gloom pervaded this chasm, and Aldous drew nearer to MacDonald, his rifle held in readiness, and his bridle-rein fastened to his saddle-horn. The chasm was short.

"Rawhide cover to the saddle-horn is wore with a rope," said Overland, helping himself to a second sandwich.

He clasped his hands upon the saddle-horn and, stealthily loosening the dagger-point from the hem of his sleeve, slid the weapon cautiously into his hand. When he felt the handle against his palm, he knew that he had been holding his breath, and that the sigh he gave was an involuntary relief that the others had not glimpsed the blade under his clasped fingers.

Yorke swung up on the splendid, mettled black "Parson." He had an ideal cavalry seat, and as with an easy grace he gently controlled his impatient horse, with an inscrutable, mask-like countenance he watched Redmond and the sorrel "Fox." With toe in the leather-covered stirrup the latter reached for the saddle-horn.

The old-timers go on to tell how Jim Shea came riding down the dry wash one day late in the summer with his rifle across his saddle-horn and a little troop of grim horsemen about him. Of that incident few details remain in the verbal chronicle which has come down through four decades. It is like a picture whose background has been blurred by age.

Andy folded his hands upon the saddle-horn and watched her frankly. "Must be from J. G.," guessed the Little Doctor, inserting a slim finger under the badly sealed flap. "I've been wondering if he wasn't going to send some word he's been gone a week Baby! He's right between your horse's legs, Andy! Oh-h baby boy, what won't you do next?"

"You don't dare!" "When you haven't anything to lose you'll do considerable to get 'hunks' and that's my fix. Besides, I need the money. Two minutes left think fast." "You'll sweat blood for this before I'm through with you!" "Time's up yes or no?" Canby gritted his teeth. Silently Wallie passed the end of the rope to Pinkey, who understood and took a turn around his saddle-horn.

It was Barney he rode, and Barney could be trusted to pace along decorously with the reins twisted twice around the saddle-horn, so Billy gave no thought to his horse but put his whole mind on the figures.

Presently all was in readiness, and the small, well-armed party left the detachment under the light of a brilliant three-quarter moon. Slavin led in the police buckboard, with the doctor seated beside him, and Lanky Jones crouched behind them. Yorke and Redmond rode in the rear, with their carbines slung at the saddle-horn.