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Robbins in "the palmy days" as a clown in the ring during the regular performance and as a serio-comic vocalist at the concert immediately after the show under the great canvas. Robbins' man of all work. Alice and I have feared that Rufe's influence might not be beneficial to the children.

He remembered all at once Rufe's queer story of meeting, down the ravine, an eccentric old man whom he was disposed to identify as Satan. As the stranger stood there in the deer-path, he looked precisely as Rufe had described him, even to the baffling glitter of his spectacles, his gray whiskers, and the curiously shaped hammer in his hand.

Then he was seized by sudden distrust. Who was this stranger? and why did he call, "Come here!" Perhaps the fears already uppermost in Rufe's mind influenced his hasty conclusion. He cast a horrified glance upon the old gentleman in black, a garb of suspicious color to the little mountaineer, who had never seen men clad in aught but the brown jeans habitually worn by the hunters of the range.

Jube Perkins thought Rufe's comicality most praiseworthy his pipe went out while he laughed. Byers flushed indignantly. "Ye aggervatin' leetle varmint!" he cried suddenly, his patience giving way.

He paused only to knock Rufe's hat over his eyes, as the small boy stood in front of the low-spirited mule, both hands busy with the animal's mouth, striving to open his jaws to judge by his teeth how old he might be. "The critter'll bite ye, Rufe!" Birt exclaimed, for as Rufe stooped to pick up his hat the mule showed some curiosity in his turn, and was snuffling at Rufe's hay-colored hair.

Her whole soul was sickened with the fear that this vessel, the long-wished-for means of her release from what had become a hateful bondage, was in danger of destruction at the red hands of Rufe's undisciplined dogs.

The day set for Rufe's execution was the following Monday, and for the Red Fox the Friday following for it was well to have the whole wretched business over while the guard was there.

"GONE HUNTIN'!" ejaculated Rufe in dudgeon, joining unceremoniously in the conversation of his elders. "Now, Birt mought hev let me know! I'd hev wanted ter go along too." "Mebbe that air the reason he never tole ye, bub," said Perkins dryly. For he could appreciate that Rufe's society was not always a boon, although he took a lenient view of the little boy.

"He said, 'I'm goin' over to the Gap " and still Rufe's black eyes held her with mesmeric power would she lie for him would she lie for him? It was a terrible struggle for June. Her father was there, her uncle Dave was dead, her foster-uncle's life hung on her next words and she was a Tolliver. "Yes," encouraged the deep voice kindly.

Canst thou get powder and shot for Rufe?" "Simpleton! Can he not get with steel all he wants from the schooner?" "By the heart of Portuguez, he can!" cried another voice, and Yellow Rufe strode through the bushes. "Rufe!" exclaimed the girl, feigning astonishment. Her ears were too keen not to have caught Rufe's voice in the whispering that had gone on.