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And her kind of love forgives everything and anything but infidelity." "You did not hear her when she spoke to her father; I did." "But she would understand you; whereas she will never understand her father. Spurlock: 'tis Roundhead, sure enough. Go to her, I say, and take her in your arms, you poor benighted Ironsides! I can't make you see.

She considered the disgrace of brother Richard as the just reward of his forfeiting his allegiance to a lawful though exiled sovereign, and taking the oaths to an alien; a concession which her grandfather, Sir Nigel Waverley, refused to make, either to the Roundhead Parliament or to Cromwell, when his life and fortune stood in the utmost extremity.

"I suppose they feared an inquiry might be dangerous. It's bad for the health and reputation to fight a Roundhead." Matthew laughed grimly. "It's bad for the Roundhead's health if he runs against this," he said, raising the iron bar. At this moment Jack interrupted. "See, Phil," he cried, "Barbara's waving to you at the window." It was so.

The Roundhead Captain felt that the day's work did not sufficiently redound to his credit, and he shrank from the chaff that would follow when it was known that a girl and some schoolboys had outwitted him. He therefore kept silence.

Harvey was exactly what he, from the description he had heard of them, had pictured to himself that a Roundhead soldier would be. He had a stern face, eyes deeply sunk in his head, high cheekbones, a firm mouth, and a square jaw. He wore his hair cut close. His figure was bony, and he must, as a young man, have been very powerful.

"Certainly, my dear Evandale," answered Claverhouse, "I am not a man who forgets such debts; you will delight me by showing how I can evince my gratitude." "I will hold the debt cancelled," said Lord Evandale, "if you will spare this young man's life." "Evandale," replied Grahame, in great surprise, "you are mad absolutely mad what interest can you have in this young spawn of an old roundhead?

'I am not, therefore, dying for her love; and I give you this one honest warning that, though I would rather see mistress Dorothy in her winding-sheet than dame to a roundhead, I should be yes, I MAY be a more dangerous rival in respect of your mare, than of any lady YOU are likely to set eyes upon. 'What do you mean? said Richard gruffly.

Not a man of all these will live, not a roof-tree that shelters them but will be in ashes, when I take my revenge!" Not a gazer but knows, through those marvellous eyes alone, that the day is coming when he will have his revenge, and that the subject of pity is the victorious Roundhead instead of the wounded and captive cavalier!

He listened rather than spoke, and smiled more assents than he uttered. The King was pleased with his young subject, and marked his approbation by conversing with that unrivalled affability which is gall to a Roundhead and inspiration to a Cavalier. There was a bon mot, which blazed with all the soft brilliancy of sheet lightning. What a contrast to the forky flashes of a regular wit!

What you tell me of Walter is most strange; yet I feel certain he is safe, and my course, in reference to him, must be guided by the events that a very few hours will doubtless produce. Cromwell Roundhead and rebel as he is unless he be marvellously changed has generosity enough to guarantee the youth's safety, were he a thousand times more dangerous than he can be.