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I am here on my own business, and I only ask to be let alone." The Vicomte regarded him as one might look at a spoilt child whom it was yet advisable to humor. "Ah," he said, "they will not let you alone. You are so obstinate, like all your country-people, or you would recognize it without my risking so much by speaking. You will have to leave Paris, and very soon. It is so easily to be managed.

And during the war he kindly received, fed, and helped several francs-tireurs and stray French soldiers, perfectly aware that he was risking his life in case the Prussians came near; he even conveyed one of them to the Garibaldian outposts in his carriage.

"Yes; I never followed the hounds, I don't know the country and I can't ride to points. Besides, I am not really Amazonian enough to fancy a scamper across the country, flying fences and risking my precious neck." "I must own that, to me, a lady never looks less attractive than in a hunting-field, among yelping hounds, and shouts, and cheers, and cords and tops, and scarlet coats."

People who let their tempers master them and do things are sure to be unhappy, and make other people unhappy, too; but that is no reason that he should cause more unhappiness by risking his own life needlessly, so, Mrs. Porson, please talk to your husband and tell him to make my son have an escort. I know he always listens to Mr. Porson."

Did you not know that you were incurring my displeasure and risking your own life?" "I did. But a Christian caballero holds it his duty to protect the weak and deliver the oppressed, even at the risk of his own life." Mamcuna looked puzzled. The sentiment was too fine for her comprehension. "You talk foolishness, señor.

They were reluctant to leave their chief alone in a position of such extreme peril. But he commanded them to go. "There's only one man wanted," he said; "and I'll do it myself. It's no use you risking your lives too." So the men obeyed, and returned to the bank to join the group watching Johnston's movements with intense anxiety.

Instead of risking them desperately, both sides turned to commerce warfare the Western Powers resorting to blockade and the Germans to submarines.

Hastings never dared, because he could not, arrest oppression in its course, without drying up the source of his own corrupt emolument. Mr. Hastings never dared, after the fact, to punish extortion in others, because he could not, without risking the discovery of bribery in himself. The same corruption, the same oppression, and the same impunity will reign through all the subordinate gradations.

"Do not be so nervous," her companion said gently. "I always calculate the chances before I suggest another person's risking anything for me. They are a million to one that anyone could recognize you in that veil and that cloak; believe me, although I am not of your country, I am at least a gentleman, and would not have persuaded you to come if there had been any danger of complications for you."

I had inflicted myself on them, the better to enjoy my triumph, and the usher, consenting to my arrangement, proved clearly that he was losing his head by thus risking the loss of his position. When we arrived at the ferry, where my boat had been moored since morning, I saw in the grass, or rather above the tall weeds of the bank, an enormous red parasol, resembling a monstrous wild poppy.