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Even in our own day, not a few salutary laws are due to his humane influence. He prevailed on the Emperor Gratian to pass a law, among others, that no criminal should be executed within less than thirty days after sentence had been passed. He also succeeded, but with great difficulty, in having the pagan statues removed from the senate.

The inhabitants, to the number of nearly half a million, sought refuge in Russia. All goods that could be useful to the Germans were either removed or burned. Crops were destroyed in the surrounding fields. When the Germans entered they found an empty and deserted city, with only a few Poles and the lowest classes of Jews still left.

I will see that minister, and give him a text for a sermon. But you cannot keep up this sort of thing, my young friends; not even with Dora's help." And she stroked the soft hair of Miss Bannister, from which the sunbonnet had been removed. "I will see Mike before I go, and send him for Molly Tooney.

It would not save one pang then weep no more; For if removed by death, O say, to whom Has ever been vouchsafed a different doom? All are the prey of death the crowned, the low, And man, through life, the victim still of woe."

He could see himself now arriving soot-covered, and well-nigh speechless with fatigue, at his mother's door, could hear the cries and exclamations that arose at the sight of him, could feel the tender hands that removed the clothes from his hot little body, and washed him, and put him to bed.

What shall we do?" He showed Nick the box. It contained nothing. Horace had removed the piece which he had used in the deception. "Good Heavens!" cried Horace. "He heard me." He pointed to the colonel, who stood like one who has been struck upon the head. "Gone!" he cried, rushing toward them. "You deceived me!" Well, they searched the drawer, and the clasp certainly was not there.

If this were removed it would be possible to carry the street through the old man's garden, perhaps even to the sea-shore, and we should have had space for a gigantic edifice and still left room for a fine garden. But we had learned how the philosopher loved his family estate. The Queen is unwilling to use violence towards the old man.

On the third evening, when he had removed all signs of his work, he lighted two kerosene lamps and two candles, finding the effect, under this illumination, almost too brilliant and beautiful for belief. Rose should never see it now, he determined, until the furniture was in place.

It was discovered to be a pocket-book enclosed in a canvas wrapper, securely sewed together and fastened with sealing-wax. The German Consul removed this outer covering and the black leather book was disclosed to view, which gave evidence of containing no small amount of money.

She has refreshed me indeed, soul and body!" He removed the saddle from the mustang, and turned him loose to make the best of such scanty herbage as he could find. Then he unpacked his own provisions, and made a comfortable meal; after which he rolled a cigarette and reclined on the spot most available, to rest and recuperate. The valley, or gorge, lay before him in the afternoon light.