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The first and last elements are distinctively front. That helps to bring out what is between. The constant recurrence of the nares tone, as in m, n, etc., may serve as a regulator of tone. The object of this step in practice is to form elements with beauty, and to form them with the same focus as that secured by the humming tone.

The canvas is then replaced and the Regulator hung on the wall. When the minute comes to commence services, the Regulator is wound with a key and it starts to run. The canvas, in passing down at a fixed rate, informs the congregation of every change in the service, just as it had been previously planned." "What think you of it?" asked the manager, after the partial explanation.

One or the other expedient is preferable, according to the general nature of the arrangements adopted. The slide valve is of brass, and the regulator consists of two brass slide valves worked over ports in a chest in the steam pipe, set in the smoke box.

Conscience, the great arbiter of the merit and demerit of human conduct, has little intuitive sense of right, and is not guided entirely by reason, but is governed in a great measure by what men believe. Indeed, faith is the legitimate regulator of the conscience.

Always wont to be obsequious to the very turn of her eye, and to make her will not only the regulator of my actions, but the criterion of my understanding, it is impossible not to hesitate, to review all that has passed between us, and reconsider anew the motives that have made me act as I have acted. Yet the review always confirms me in my first opinion. You err, but are not obstinate in error.

The flurry toward the front brought about a momentary spurt in the pace followed immediately by the steady, machine-like advance of Regulator, but as the chestnut horse moved up the brown mare went with him, on even terms. "There goes Regulator! There he goes!" "Yes, but he can't shake Miss Amber! She's right there with him! Oh, you Amber!" "What ails Black Bill? He's a swell favourite, he is!

At one time the doctors think she has an attack of heart disease, at another time they imagine it is some affection of the liver, and at another they declare it to be a disease of the spine. To-day this protean malady, that assumes a thousand forms and a thousand modes of attack, is attributed to the stomach, which is the great caldron and regulator of the body. This is why we have come here.

But the lateral streams had been controlled and again Ewen applied the wrench to thread the regulator to the first cap. Once he failed and then the threads caught. With a yell of victory the veteran gas man threw himself against the long wrench again. "You've got 'er!" exclaimed Colonel Howell as he sprang to Ewen's side and joined him in screwing the regulator into place.

In peculiar circumstances men are bound to break through all rules and regulations, and act in a peculiar way. Without a moment's hesitation he ran to John Marrot and said in an earnest hurried voice "Give chase, John! cross over to the up-line, but don't go too far." "All right, sir," said John, laying his hand on the regulator.

The heat of the equator, raising up the water in steam, had formed a band of shade around the earth. From other worlds it must appear like a girdle of clouds almost similar to the sidereal rings. In this gloomy, hot sea was the heart of the ocean, the center of the circulatory life of the planet. The sky was a regulator that, absorbing and returning, restored the evaporation to equilibrium.