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They came up every day from the Base by train as far as Railhead which meant a convenient station as far forward as possible while still being outside the range of ordinary German guns and were thence conveyed, normally in lorries, by the A.S.C. to the various 'refilling points' assigned to Infantry Brigades.

He had swallowed a brimming goblet of the cool, refreshing drink, and Chloe was delightedly refilling. "Father home, Miss Dora?" he went on cheerily. "Over at the stables, Mr. Lanier," was the smiling answer. The face of the girl was sunshine and roses now, yet merely a glance or two had passed, for Trooper Rawdon had instantly swung once more into saddle and was reining back to his place.

While the company were filling and refilling the beakers, which raised their spirits to so wild a pitch, the prisoner Pentaur had been examined in the presence of the Regent. Ameni's messenger had found the poet on his knees, so absorbed in meditation that he did not perceive his approach.

He had once made one hundred and seventy miles on a special run with the 1010 without refilling his tank; but that was with the light engine alone. Now he had the private car behind him, and it seemed at times to pull with all the drag of a heavy train. But one expedient remained, and that carried with it the risk of his life.

The three pretty young Swedish girls who did Alexandra's housework were cutting pies, refilling coffeecups, placing platters of bread and meat and potatoes upon the red tablecloth, and continually getting in each other's way between the table and the stove. To be sure they always wasted a good deal of time getting in each other's way and giggling at each other's mistakes.

This last Bill Jones observed, as the man laid it down, after cutting up some tobacco, preparatory to refilling his pipe. "A good knife! How did ye break it?" inquired Bill, taking up the weapon and examining it. "Never you mind," answered the man, snatching it rudely from him, and sheathing it. At this O'Neil regarded him with an angry expression.

"Oh, that's all part of the same story," said Shin Shira, refilling his pipe; "it has a sequel. "I found the King in his counting-house, industriously counting out his money. He left off when he saw me, though, and came forward to greet me heartily. "'The Queen, bless her! will be as delighted to see you as I am, said he; 'we'll go and find her. I fancy I know where she is.

He had put my buffalo robe over my shoulders before starting, and he rolled me up in this and said, 'Leaping Horse will go and fetch rifles and bear-meat, and he set straight off and left me there by myself." "Even to me," Harry went on, after refilling and lighting his pipe, "it did not seem long before the chief was back.

"'If it was anything possible, I'd hump my back and do it, but it isn't! he jerked, knocking his pipe against the chimney-side before it was half empty and then refilling it; 'it's either a vacation or the knoll which shall it be?

Drawn Thread Work Hem Stitching Simple Border Patterns Darned Thread Patterns Corners Cut or Open Work Various Methods of Refilling the Open Spaces. This method of work is the acknowledged link between embroidery and lace, and was possibly the origin of the latter.