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But, alas! the story which followed, of his designs on Miss Darcy, received some confirmation from what had passed between Colonel Fitzwilliam and herself only the morning before; and at last she was referred for the truth of every particular to Colonel Fitzwilliam himself from whom she had previously received the information of his near concern in all his cousin's affairs, and whose character she had no reason to question.

When we looked at the shot-bag of silver, now and then, we seemed to be wasting our substance in riotous living, but if we referred to the expense account we could see that we had not been doing anything of the kind.

Yet the threat told with full effect on Cornwallis, who thereafter referred to the British claim as a "hopeless debt." The officials of Downing Street drew a distinction between prisoners from armies merely subsidized by us and those taken from foreign forces actually under our control; but it is clear that Cornwallis ceased to press the claim.

Sir Walter Scott, while on the visit already referred to, found an additional pleasure in the presence of so many relics of ancient days in the neighbourhood. "Each hill," he wrote to a friend, "is crowned with a tower, or camp, or cairn, and in no situation can you be near more fields of battle."

Here is the money referred to in the letter, three hundred dollars, mind you don't lose it." "I will take every care, sir." "You may tell my sister that I shall be happy to have her write me." "I will, sir." Paul left 'Squire Conant's house, feeling that he had great cause for joy. The 'Squire's refusal to receive more than half the debt, left him master of over three hundred dollars.

He then referred, in a confidential whisper, to the communication he had received touching Lisle Court. "Yes," said the colonel, "I suppose I must sell the place, if I can do so quietly. To be sure, when I first spoke to my lawyer it was in a moment of vexation, on hearing that the railroad was to go through the park, but I find that I overrated that danger.

I am referred to thee as to one who possesses means of explaining this extraordinary circumstance, which, as an English knight, and one holding a charge under King Edward, I am particularly called upon to make enquiry into." "Let me make a distinction," said the old man.

As Webb surmised, his fever had to run its course, but after its crisis had passed he rapidly grew rational. Moreover, in his mother, and indeed in Amy herself, he had the best of physicians. At first he was very penitent, and not a little chagrined at his course. As days went by, however, and it was not referred to by word or sign on the part of the family, his nervous apprehension passed away.

"Then, sir," said Mr Brandon, "what reason could we have for mentioning this subject to you a subject that would not have been referred to now, had it not been for your admission of your intended object in visiting my house?" Lawrence had no answer to make to this, but it was not easy to turn him from his purpose.

He did tell me that he, the editor of the paper, and the news staff had seen "the ship," as he referred to the UFO. His story, even though it was fifty-six years old, smacked of others I'd heard when he said that no one at the newspaper ever told anyone what they had seen; they didn't want people to think that they were "crazy."