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The stranger boldly entered the Governor's reception-room and closed the door behind him. In a large chair sat the commander-in-chief before a broad table, engaged in writing, but he was quite alone.

A valet de chambre showed me into a very splendid and comfortable suite of rooms, consisting of a reception-room, sitting-room, work-room, bed-, dressing-, and bathroom, all furnished in the choicest and most practical way, and I was delighted to see that, although all was rich and costly, none of the offensive and pretentious pomp of the ordinary millionaire's house met my eye.

The prince belonged to his most enthusiastic followers and friends. Oh, what plans those two fiery young men conceived in the safe asylum of my reception-room! what great things did they expect from the future for the cause of the Bourbons and for France! You ought to have see Prince Charles von Lichtenstein in such hours, Fanny; then you would have really understood and boundlessly loved him.

So the reader must be contented to know that there was a magnificent reception-room, and in this reception-room a piano, whose chords were permeating the mansion's warm atmosphere when the opulent Kolderup walked in. "Good!" he said. "She and he are there! A word to my cashier, and then we can have a little chat."

Was this intruding human element always to cross the purpose of his spiritual life? As he was passing through the wide hallway the door of the reception-room was open, and he saw Dr. Leigh seated at the table, with a piece of work in her hands. She looked up, and stopped him with an unspoken inquiry in her face.

"Then I believe," he said, in a low tone, "in the old saying that a glimpse of paradise is sufficient to blind the strongest man...." They passed into the reception-room, and came face to face with Brooks. She held out her hand. "Come, you have no right here," she declared. "You are not even a Member of Parliament." He laughed. "What about you?" "Oh, I am an inspiration!"

Chez lui our friend of the flowing garments is a king, with slaves to wait upon him, wives to obey him, and servants to fear his wrath. But his everyday reception-room is the lobby of his stables, where he sits behind the door in rather shabby garments attending to business matters, unless he is a merchant or shopkeeper, when his store serves as office instead.

"What faces he makes!" the lawyer's wife said of him, when he had left the room. In the reception-room the clerk handed him the petition, and in answer to Nekhludoff's question about the honorarium, said that Anatal Semionovitch set his fee at a thousand rubles; that he really does not take such cases, but does it for Nekhludoff. "And who is to sign the petition?" asked Nekhludoff.

The servant bowed respectfully more respectfully than servants of modern date. 'My lady, the reception-room has been lately painted the smell of paint may be disagreeable; with your leave, I will take the liberty of showing you into my master's study. He opened the door, went in before her, and stood holding up his finger, as if making a signal of silence to some one within.

It was gorgeous enough to belong in the tale of Aladdin's lamp a palace, in very truth, with entrance-hall in keeping with the glittering, roaring Avenue through which they drove, and which was to Bertha quite as strange as a boulevard in Berlin would have been. Lucius conducted them into the reception-room with an air of proprietorship, and soon had waiters, maids and bell-boys "jumping."