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"There is a reaper, whose name is death." Spring came at last, cold indeed but dry, and it brought calves, and kids, and lambs, and little pigs, besides eggs and milk. The creatures prospered for two reasons no doubt.

Half an hour later, when the cabin door was dim with twilight, the hand which the boy held grew cold. When Edward M. Stanton was associated at Cincinnati in 1857 with Abraham Lincoln in the great McCormick Reaper patent suit, it was commonly assumed that this was the first time the two men had met. Such was Lincoln's view, for his memory was apt to have blind patches in it.

Cooke in his Guide to Browning gives a condensed catalogue of the best books and essays on Browning, which covers many finely printed pages. This class of book the text-book is not the product of impulse. The text-book is a commercial article and follows the demand as closely as the reaper follows the crop.

It seemed that the Army of Northern Virginia could take care of anything to the north and east, but in the south and west affairs did not go well. "It's a pity that General Bragg is President Davis' brother-in-law," said Randolph. "Why?" asked Daniel. "Then he wouldn't be in command of our Western Army." "Bragg's a fighter, though." "But not a reaper." "What do you mean?"

"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. Hast thou not often thought of this as thou hast seen the sower and the reaper in his season?" "Aye, of the Kingdom thy words be comforting. But to my heart thou art dearer than e'en the Kingdom." "Fear not death. Death is but change.

The smith who forges the chain for the ship's anchor has a right to exult when he looks out through his imagination upon the great boat held firm by his chain in the hour when the storm threatened to hurl the craft upon the rocks. The inventor has a right to say: "That granary full of wheat is mine; I invented the reaper."

But when he is forcibly expelled from his refuge in the last corn cut or the last sheaf bound or the last grain threshed, he necessarily assumes some other form than that of the corn-stalks, which had hitherto been his garment or body. But the person in question is necessarily the reaper, binder, or thresher of the last corn. He or she, therefore, is seized and treated as the corn-spirit himself.

He has been a cabinet maker, a lawyer, a legislator, a judge, a Senator, then a leader, now chairman of the committee on territories. He has perfected political efficiency, introduced the convention system, done for representative government what the reaper has done for the harvest field. He has done this all himself without wealth or family to boost him.

"Well, Lidwine took on herself all bodily ills, she lusted for physical suffering, and was greedy for wounds; she was, as it were, the reaper of punishments, and she was also the piteous vessel in which everyone discharged the overflowings of his malady.

No man in the country had ever seen a stove, or a furnace, or a friction match, or an envelope, or a piece of mineral coal. From the farmer we should have to take the reaper, the drill, the mowing machine, and every kind of improved rake and plow, and give him back the scythe, the cradle, and the flail.