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Randall, who had in the meantime donned his sober black gown in the inner chamber, together with a dark hood, accompanied his newly found father-in-law down the river, and Stephen would fain have gone too, but for the injunction to return within the hour. Perronel had hurried back to her grandfather's side to endeavour to compose him after the shock of gladness.

To his questions the family could give no satisfactory information. Paul seemed much worried over the removal of Agnes Randall. He received a letter and awaited departure of next steamer for Calcutta. "Paul engaged passage and was booked as 'Josiah Peters. He was disguised as an old man, with stooping walk and white, flowing beard.

"Oh, I am so thankful that you have told me this. I am sure it will go a long way toward saving Mr. Randall." "I can't swear though that it's the same envelope," Andy repeated. "But you will be willing to swear to what you have just told me, will you not?" Lois asked. "Sure. I'd swear to that any time and anywhere." "Thank you," and Lois breathed a sigh of relief.

"A very liberal legacy was left to her, but you are aware that I was named for my mother's brother, Randall Lennox, and he has for many years regarded me as his heir; hence, gave me the bulk of the property." "It is rather strange that he never married. I recall him as a very distinguished looking man."

"Got me," replied Randall; "you fellows seemed to recognize him. Only he's one of the gang, undoubtedly." "The gang?" "Oh, the general run of hangers-on. Nobody knows how they live, but every one suspects. Some of them work, but not many. There are a heap of disappearances that no one knows anything about; and every once in a while a man is found drowned and floating; floating mind you!"

"The ordinary man is almost certain to overstate and to emphasize unduly one part of the evidence." "That was my feeling exactly," returned Randall, "so I spent a night in that haunted room myself. The result was disappointing." "Did nothing happen?" I asked. "There was no direct manifestation at least I saw nothing, and I do not think I heard anything, but I am sure that I felt something.

Every day, before I leave the office, I will give you a different rendezvous, up to midnight. You are simply to hover around, ignore me, and then skilfully shadow my pursuers." The service of the Western Trading Company now galled Randall Clayton like the galley slave's chain. And yet Jack Witherspoon's counsel had been most wise.

Danny Randall laughed in his gentle little fashion. I will confess that just at that time I was very decidedly wondering what Danny Randall was at. In fact, at moments I was strongly inclined to doubt his affiliations. He seemed to stand in an absolutely neutral position, inclining to neither side. Tom Cleveland was killed in the open street by one of the Empire hangers-on.

Miller, the major's wife, who happened to be crossing the parade at the moment, knew very well that it was an officer's cape, and that Randall McLean had carefully wrapped it about Nellie Bayard lest the keen wind from the west, blowing freely over the ridges, should chill the young girl after her long spin across the prairie and up the heights. A good-hearted woman was Mrs.

Perronel had a little hoard, the amount of which she was too shrewd to name to any one, even her husband, but she considered it sufficient to enable him to fulfil the cherished scheme of his life, of retiring to some small farm near his old home, and she was for setting off at once. But Harry Randall declared that he could not go without having offered his services to his old master.