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-Sed sumne ego stultus, qui rem curo publicam Ubi sunt magistratus, quos curare oporteat? and taken as a whole, we can hardly imagine a comedy politically more tame than was that of Rome in the sixth century. The oldest Roman comic writer of note, Gnaeus Naevius, alone forms a remarkable exception.

"But what of that?" And in a louder voice, and with a gusto which showed how genuine was his delight in the metre, "Pauci quos æquus amavit Jupiter aut ardens evexit ad æthera virtus Dis geniti potuere," he mouthed. "But that," he added, looking scornfully at his confederate, "is Greek to you!"

Lvdouicus rex Francorum, omnibus ad quos præsentes literæ peruenerint salutem. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra quòd nos recipimus in protectione & custodia nostra totam terram Henrici regis Angliæ charissimi fratris nostri, in cismarinis partibus sitam, si contigerit eum in Angliam transfretare vel peregrè proficisci.

I have known many a man pass for a miser, by saving a penny and wrangling for twopence, who was undoing himself at the same time by living above his income, and not attending to essential articles which were above his 'portee'. The sure characteristic of a sound and strong mind, is to find in everything those certain bounds, 'quos ultra citrave nequit consistere rectum'. These boundaries are marked out by a very fine line, which only good sense and attention can discover; it is much too fine for vulgar eyes.

But generally my 'quid pro quos' only resulted in curious jokes which made my fortune; and the best of it is that my gibberish did me no harm on the score of wit: on the contrary, it procured me fine acquaintances.

The supreme guardian of the western Empire, in the greatest crisis of its history, himself removes the last hope of Rome. The frivolous senate which Stilicho had saved, and the weak and timid emperor whom he guarded, were alike demented. Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat. In an evil hour the brave general was assassinated.

He was not a great poet, but a man of graceful and sprightly talent, throughout possessing the vivid sensibilities of a poetic nature, but needing the tragic buskin to feel himself a poet and wholly destitute of the comic vein. We can understand the pride with which the Hellenizing poet looked down on those rude strains -quos olim Faunei vatesque canebant,

"At uxor mea imaginabatur assidue se videre calvariam patris, qui erat absens dum utero gereret Jo: Baptistam." Paralipomenon, lib. iii. c. 21. De Utilitate, p. 832. "Post ex geminatis somniis, scripsi libros de Subtilitate quos impressos auxi et denuo superauctos tertio excudi curavi." De Vita Propria, ch. xlv. p. 175.

Insuper et eos, qui cum diu vitam egerint inquinatissimam, voluntariam demum poenitentiam et paupertatem, sanctitate venerandos deputant. Ejusmodi vero genus hominum libertatem quandam effrenem habent, domos quos volunt intrandi, edendi, bibendi, et quod majus est, concumbendi; ex quo concubitu, si proles secuta fuerit, sancta similiter habetur.

Ad quod ostendendum patriarchse et prophetae pinguntur cum rotulis, per quos quasi qusedam imperfecta cognitio design atur; quia vero apostoli a Christo perfecte edocti suut, ideo libris, per quos designatur perfecta cognitio, uti possunt." WILLIAM DURANDUS, quoted by Didron, p. 305. PLATE VII. Next to this subject of the preaching comes the Baptism: and then, the circumstances of St.