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Oh, Jane, your simple experiment proposition is about to become compound quadratics. Then I got a still further surprise. "I wouldn't in the least mind telling Mr. James how I like him if you think it is all right," Nell mused, looking pensively at the first pale star that was rising over Old Harpeth.

It is emotion which complicates the personal equation with radicals and quadratics, and life which proceeds upon predestined lines soon becomes monotonous and loses its charm. The involved x in the equation continually postpones the definite result, which may often be surmised, but never achieved.

And, Oh, I felt I can't write it, I am so tired I will have to go to sleep with a "Thank God," as big as can come from a heart the size mine is which feels bigger to-night than it ever did before. Good-night, Louise of leather! The quadratics were awful!

In the lowest class in the day-school there is one lower in the night-school the arithmetical tables are mastered, and fractions introduced and developed with the use of liquid, dry, surface, and time measures; whereas in the Senior class algebra is studied through quadratics and plane geometry through the "area of polygons."

The right-angled triangle still has an hypotenuse, and quadratics do not simplify with distance, while Tamil classics throw Vergil and Cicero into the shade. The fact that high school work is all carried on in English is the biggest stumbling block in the Indian schoolgirl's road to learning.

In the ballroom of the Hotel Taftoftia, during Christmas week, William K. Spriggs, Ph.D., held a number of fashionable audiences spellbound with his marvellously lucid dances in Euclid and Algebra up to Quadratics. Perhaps the very acme of the Terpsichorean art was attained in the masterly fluency of body and limbs with which Mr.

Whenever we had a public exhibition, George was our show-card. The rapidity with which he would fill the blackboard, in solving difficult problems in quadratics, was almost bewildering. It was not every teacher even that could follow him in his quick but exact evolutions of complex algebraical formulæ.

I got up early on account of the quadratics and had a contest, that lasted until ten o'clock, between them and a very overburdened mind. I conquered, but at what cost! But still, from the fight, one of the gratifications of my life came to me in the shape of the chance to help Belle.

In domestic difficulties Wimp was helpless. He could not tell even whether the servant's "character" was forged or genuine. Probably he could not level himself to such petty problems. He was like the senior wrangler who has forgotten how to do quadratics, and has to solve equations of the second degree by the calculus. "How much money do you want?" he asked.

Well, I shall have to call upon Mrs. , if that's what you mean. A mere matter of form. I shall go over after lunch. But it needn't interfere with your work. You can go on with the "Anabasis" till I come back. And remember NEANISKOS is not a proper name, ha! ha! ha! The quadratics will keep till the evening. He was merry over his prospects, and I was not altogether otherwise.