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The Feasts of the King of Persia his Queen Vashti sent for her Refusal to obey the Summons her Divorce Plan to fill up the Vacancy Esther chosen Queen Mordecai detects a Conspiracy declines paying Homage to Haman Resentment of the latter, who obtains a Decree against the Jews Mordecai's Grief, and repeated Applications to Esther she goes in to the King is accepted invites the King and Haman to a Banquet Mortification of the latter at Mordecai's continued Neglect Orders a Gallows to be built for the disrespectful Jew the Honour conferred by the King upon Mordecai for his past Zeal in his Service Haman's Indignation is fetched to a second Banquet Esther tells her feelings, and accuses Haman his Confusion and useless Intreaties he is hung on his own Gallows Mordecai's Advancement Escape of the Jews by the Intercession of Esther Feast of Purim.

Observed as mediaeval Jews observed it, Purim was a thoroughly innocent festivity. The unpleasant taste left by the closing scenes of the book was washed off by the geniality of temper which saw the humours of Haman's fall and never for a moment rested in a feeling of vindictiveness.

Dicite Io Pæan, et Io bis dicite Pæan. Sect. 9. As for the examples alleged by our opposites out of Scripture for justifying their significant ceremonies, they have been our propugners of evangelical simplicity so often and so fully answered, that here I need do no more but point at them. Of the days of Purim and feast of dedication I am to speak afterward.

The arrangement is topical; first, three poetical books, The Psalms, The Proverbs, and Job; then five so-called Megilloth, or Rolls, read in the later synagogues on certain great feast days, The Song of Songs at the Passover, Ruth at Pentecost, Lamentations on the anniversary of the burning of the temple, Ecclesiastes at the Feast of Tabernacles, and Esther at the Feast of Purim; lastly, the historical and quasi-historical books, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and the Chronicles.

And he sent the letters unto all the Jews, to the hundred twenty and seven provinces of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, with words of peace and truth, To confirm these days of Purim in their times appointed, according as Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and for their seed, the matters of the fastings and their cry.

As you know, when we lived in London we always were strict about keeping our holy days; but while there I never realized the pleasure and excitement during Purim that one sees in Jerusalem. "Old and young are equally full of fun and joy, and there is plenty of rushing about with sleeves tucked up.

Purim thus is now chiefly retained as a children's feast, and still better as a feast of charity, of the interchange of gifts between friends, and the bestowal of alms on the needy. This is a worthy survival. Chanuka, on the other hand, grows every year into greater popularity.

Thus, without pressing the contention too closely, Purim festivities do not deserve to be tarred with the Ghetto brush. Is it, then, denied that Purim was more mirthfully observed in Ghetto days than it is at the present day? By no means. It is unquestionable that Purim used to be a merrier anniversary than it is now. The explanation is simple.

An annual festival, called Purim, was established in commemoration of the deliverances we have recorded, which the Jews continue to observe at this day. It seems to have been appointed by Mordecai and Esther, as a civil, rather than a religious feast; unless it be supposed, that they received some special revelation to authorize such a measure.

After a short friendly chat with them Mr Jacobs said: "As Purim will begin in two days, perhaps you would like to hear how our cousins saw it celebrated when they went to Palestine, so I have chosen this letter to read to you this evening: "In Jerusalem a week is none too long to prepare for Purim.