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"Look here, Dick," cried Bob, and he raised himself on tiptoe and whispered something to him, old Dick's soured face undergoing a complete change to one full of mirth. The wrinkles became puckers, and his eyes nearly closed, while his mouth seemed drawn out at the corners till nearly double its usual length. "It will be just right, Dick," said the middy. "To a T, Mr Roberts, sir.

Turning round to look at my schoolfellows asleep in their little narrow beds, all in exceedingly ungraceful attitudes, and looking towzley and queer, I saw that, as I held the blind on one side, the sunlight shone full on Mercer, and I hurt myself directly by bursting out into a silent fit of laughter, which drew my bruised face into pain-producing puckers.

He mopped his forehead, the laughing puckers gathering about his eyes. "Look at us this evenin. There we was ridin easy up the Beacon, me and the orse-patrol lookin for him. Just as we tops the brow who pops over the wall like a swallow but the Gentleman himself on his chestnut?" He threw back his head and chuckled. "There! I can't ardly elp laughin. The cheek o the chap!"

Miss Petingill was sitting in the little room in the back building, which she always had when she came to the Carr's for a week's mending and making over. She was the dearest, funniest old woman who ever went out sewing by the day. Her face was round, and somehow made you think of a very nice baked apple, it was so criss-crossed, and lined by a thousand good-natured puckers.

She went upstairs to her room, and Aunt Emma did what she could to relieve the puckered little mouth; but there was but little that could be done except to wait patiently for time to take the puckers out of it.

The puckers in the thin face were so irresistibly comical that Lawrence found it hard to preserve his own gravity: however, he contrived to compose his features, and to say, with a touch of severity "I can tell why you wouldn't have liked me to see you; it was because you knew you were doing wrong." Wikkey's face expressed no comprehension.

Yet at the present moment his capacity for hiding his emotions had for the instant failed him, for about the lines of his strong, straight mouth and the puckers of his broad, overhanging forehead, there were sufficient indications of the restlessness and impatience which consumed him.

Plummer, says I, 'Whatever my young lady will do, says I, 'in a house where she isn't mistress, she that's been used to rule in her poor ma's time, and her pa's, ah! ever since she cut her teeth almost; and Mrs. Plummer says, says she " "That'll do, Puckers," observed Miss Bruce, "I shall not want you any more. Good-night."

It is true there were a great many ill-looking puckers in these shoes; but we found them very serviceable notwithstanding, and Jack came at last to prefer them to his long boots.

"He might get out some back way," she declared to Dunham in a nervous undertone. She had outraged the proprieties by coming, as she read in the disapproving puckers around the old housekeeper's mouth. She was not going now to have the name without the game. The library door opened. Judge Trent looked up vaguely, then frowningly, then brought down his feet with a start.