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All this is only a means, a condition, and a scaffolding of what patriotism really means the development of the eternal and the divine in the world, which is ever to become purer, more perfect in infinite progression.

It's without incident, without progression it's all subjective it's a drama in states of mind. Pauline was a 'thing seen, indeed; but she wasn't a thing known: she was a thing divined. Wildmay never knew her never even knew who she was never knew her name never even knew her nationality, though, as the book shows, he guessed her to be an Englishwoman, married to a Frenchman.

Parts of the land may often sink in a body below the level of the sea, and parts again may be restored, without waiting for the general circulation of land and water, which proceeds with all the certainty of nature, but which advances with an imperceptible progression. Many of such apparent irregularities may appear without the least infringement on the general system.

Of course, ``rapid'' is here understood in a relative sense; the wheel of human history to an eye accustomed to the majestic progression of the universe would appear to revolve with the velocity of a whirling dynamo. Only the deliberation of geological movements can be contrasted with the evolution and devolution of the constellations.

A similar question should be addressed, by way of a preliminary, to every insect whose habits we propose to study, for, from the least to the greatest in the zoological progression, the stomach sways the world; the data supplied by food are the chief of all the documents of life.

And every point of conscientious difference increases the distance between true friends in geometrical progression. Poor Jonathan! But we have his grateful testimony that Warde stood by him. Warde, indeed, decomposed the light into primary colours, a sort of experiment in moral chemistry, and not without fascination for an intelligent boy.

For example, in a progression of augmented chords, his mode of fingering is invariably that of the schools, not that which would seem most natural to a blind child never taught to place a finger. The peculiar power which Tom possesses, however, is one which requires no scientific knowledge of music in his audiences to appreciate.

"Indeed I am in all matters." After a pause the verse-maker, throwing away his cigarette, took up again the theme that I had introduced. "Yes, it is an engaging occupation to note any progression, even when it is toward a fatal or a horrible culmination. But when it is to some beautiful and happy outcome, this advancement is an ineffably charming spectacle.

The doctrine of uniformity and the doctrine of progression are, therefore, perfectly consistent; perhaps, indeed, they might be shown to be necessarily connected with one another.

This is not an imaginary division of qualities, but a real one, the flamelike red color having a principle of warmth in itself; the blue and violet, a principle of cold and electricity. Thus we have many styles of chromatic action, including progression of hues, of lights and shades, of fineness and coarseness, of electrical power, luminous power, thermal power, etc."