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Of some forms of composition, such as that by which re is prefixed to note repetition, and un to signify contrariety or privation, all the examples cannot be accumulated, because the use of these particles, if not wholly arbitrary, is so little limited, that they are hourly affixed to new words as occasion requires, or is imagined to require them.

The southerners, speaking of these, would call them Wakidi, Wagani, and Wamadi, but among themselves the syllable was is not prefixed, as in the southern dialects, to signify people.

All three live always in a fierce glare of criticism from the gunners riding behind, who in their nasty moments are apt to draw abusive comparisons between the relative dangers of shell-fire and riding on a waggon. By the way, there is always a healthy antagonism between gunners and drivers. When one class speaks of the other there is generally an adjective prefixed. July 1. Sunday.

He seems to be giving warning what he means to do without leave of the Law if the Law will not give him leave, COLASTERION is Greek for "Punishment." Now Mr. Herbert Palmer and Dr. Featley had each had his colasterion in the Dedication prefixed to the TETRACHORDON. Three other persons were waiting for their turn of the lash. Mr. Joseph Caryl, the licenser of that Answer; and the famous Mr. Prynne.

Nothing in all his life had approached it in interest, he said to me. The diary of his tour is prefixed to Mr. S.P. Ker's book, What the Irish Regiments Have Done but it conveys little, except this dominant impression: "From the Irish Commander-in-Chief himself right down through the Army one meets Irishmen wherever one goes."

There are extant of this author's, four plays, besides other poems, all which were printed together in 1651, to which are prefixed above fifty copies of commendatory verses by the most eminent wits of the university. Langbaine gives the following account of his plays; Ordinary, a Comedy, when and where acted is uncertain.

Nor can all the fallen angels, with all the members and limbs of antichrist, cause this, that their brat should abide so much as one day longer than our God's prefixed time. The Lord Jesus shall consume him, and cause him to melt away; not all at once, but now this part and then that, now his soul and after that his body, even until soul and body are both destroyed.

Where at length it was concluded, that the king according to his vow should take his journey into Asia, and the time thereof was also prefixed, which should be after the feast of S. John Baptist the next yeere ensuing.

Veal, prefixed to Drelincourt on Death. JOHNSON. 'I believe, Sir, that is given up.

The chief original authorities are a life by Bishop Otter, prefixed to a second edition of the Political Economy , and an article by Empson, Malthus's colleague, in the Edinburgh Review for January 1837. Wallace wrote in answer to Hume, A Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind in Ancient and Modern Times , and Various Prospects of Mankind, and Nature and Providence . Godwin refers to the last.