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"I intend to have several days of feasting and merry-making in honor of your visit." "Have it after we're gone, for we can't wait," said Dorothy, decidedly. But seeing this displeased the King, she added: "If I'm going to get Ozma to invite you to her party I'll have to find her as soon as poss'ble, you know."

"Then," said March, looking anxiously at his host, "you'll not be able to help my poor comrades and the people at the Mountain Fort." "It an't poss'ble to be in two places at once nohow ye can fix it," returned Dick, "else I'd ha' been there as well as here in the course of a few hours more."

Some of these were of huge size, but by passing between some and around others, they were able to reach the extreme rear of the cavern. "Yes," said Trot, with interest, "here's a round hole." "And it's black as night inside it," remarked Cap'n Bill. "Just the same," answered the girl, "we ought to explore it, and see where it goes, 'cause it's the only poss'ble way we can get out of this place."

"It's gone," he cried, helplessly. "It's gone, and I am ruined!" Dorothy now stepped forward and said: "Royal Ozma, and you, Queen of Ev, I welcome you and your people back to the land of the living. Billina has saved you from your troubles, and now we will leave this drea'ful place, and return to Ev as soon as poss'ble."

"As dead as poss'ble would be pretty dead, wouldn't it?" asked Dorothy. "Yes, my dear. But we have no need to worry about that just now. Let us examine our prison and see what it is like." The space underneath the roof, where they stood, permitted them to see on all sides of the tall building, and they looked with much curiosity at the city spread out beneath them.

"Dear hearts!" she addressed her silent judges, in mysterious guttural tones, "is it becas ye think there's a bit of a fear of...?" The ladies repressed a violent inclination to huddle together, like cattle from the blowing East. "I assure ye, 'taint poss'ble," pursued Mrs. Chump. "Why do I 'gree to marry Pole? Just this, now.

Then Dorothy found, with the aid of the enchanted picture, that Uncle Henry had returned to the farm in Kansas, and she also saw that both he and Aunt Em were dressed in mourning, because they thought their little niece had been killed by the earthquake. "Really," said the girl, anxiously, "I must get back as soon as poss'ble to my own folks."

I says, if it's poss'ble for me to be found in dis worl', Quashy's de man to found me." "'Zactly so!" said the gratified negro. "Now, Sooz'n, tell me. Is you free to go 'way wid me?" "Yes. I's kite free.

"De colah ob yo' skin Hit don't constertoot no sin, An' yo' fambly ain't er Cuttin' any figgah; Min' w'at yo's er-doin', an' do de bes' yo' kin, An' ac' es much es poss'ble like er niggah!" The tune of this song was melody itself, brimming with that unkempt, sarcastic humor which always strikes as if obliquely, and with a flurry of tipsy fun, into one's ears.

On reaching the sequestered spot above referred to, Petawanaquat sat down on a fallen tree and made the wondering child stand up before him. "The white man's boy must become an Indian," he said solemnly. "How zat poss'ble?" demanded the child with equal solemnity. "By wearing the red man's clothes and painting his face," returned his captor.