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Only, Monticelli would have made the peacocks the central motive with the women and trees as an arabesque." He was a portraitist who solemnly believed in the principle of decoration character must take its chances when he painted. Falcroft was successful with women's heads, which he was fond of depicting in misty shadows framed by luxurious accessories.

He is the eternal Sphinx of art, whether as portraitist, landscape painter, etcher, or revealer of the night side of life, of its bestiality, madness, cruelty, and terrific visions. But Velasquez and Vermeer are more sane. Anything I may write of Kubin, Munch, and Gauguin should be read in the light of my artistic credo.

The indurated critical judgment of the academic forces pronounced Bonnat a greater portraitist than Velasquez, and Gérôme and his mock antiques and mock orientalism far superior to Fromentin and Chasseriau. It was a glorious epoch for mediocrity.

The portraitist deals with but a single figure, yet this, in combination with its scanty support, provokes this well-known comment. The lay community cannot understand this. It seems illogical. It can only be comprehended by him who paints. The figure is tangible and represents the known. The background is a space opened into the unknown, a place for the expressions of fancy.

The setting, as I recall it, was an odd, oblong, blank "private parlour" at the Clarendon Hotel, then the latest thing in hotels, but whose ancient corner of Fourth Avenue and was it Eighteenth Street? long ago ceased to know it; the gentle, very gentle, portraitist was Mr. Eyre Crowe and the obliging sitter my father, who sat in response to Mr.

I have for myself at least marked the tendency, and somehow felt it point a graceless moral, the moral that as there are certain faces too well produced by nature to be producible again by the painter, the portraitist, so there are certain combinations of earthly ease, of the natural and social art of giving pleasure, which fail of character, or accent, even of the power to interest, under the strain of transposition or of emphasis.

He became Burgess of Antwerp in 1663, and was elected a Director of the Academy. He died at Breda in 1685. Martin Verhoeven was elected to the Gild in 1623. He painted flowers and fruit pieces which enjoyed great celebrity. His brother Jean was known as a portraitist of great ability. In late life he produced some good sculptures. David Herregouts, born 1603, was elected to the Gild in 1624.

The distinction between the true and the false portraitist is that between expression of something felt and representation of something seen; and as the subtilest and noblest part of the human soul can only be felt, as the signs of it in the face can be recognized and translated only by sympathy, so no mere painter can ever succeed in expressing in its fulness the character of any great man.

We are not only impressed by the intensely living quality of her work as a portraitist, but by the extraordinary power with which she has seized and expressed the individual character and history of each of her subjects." Mlle. Rapin has exhibited her works with success in Paris, Munich, and Berlin.

Hamerton declares, hates to burden itself with names; to which might be added that it also hates to differentiate with any single name. A good portraitist in England one year exhibited at the Royal Academy a wonderfully painted peacock. The people raved and thereafter he was allowed to paint nothing else.