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"You hear, gentlemen," said Mr Skrimmage. "Hear! yes, but we don't taste. I should like to see it sarved out," continued the master's-mate. "Sir," replied Mr Skrimmage, "I must take the liberty to observe to you, that that is a responsibility never intrusted to the steward. The established allowance is always portioned out by Mrs Skrimmage herself."

Hepworth received a general storm of glad greetings, was presented to the strangers, and announced himself as ready to carry baskets, boxes, rugs, wraps, or whatever was to be transported. Mr. Fairfield, as general manager, portioned out the luggage, and then, each picking up his individual charge, they started off.

Do I not know anxiety, though I go about well-dressed, and have food enough? Oh, Bessy, God is just, and our lots are well portioned out by Him, although none but He knows the bitterness of our souls. 'I ask your pardon, replied Bessy, humbly.

The coffee-room at Morley's was a new scene of amusement to Ferdinand, and he watched with great diversion the two evening papers portioned out among twelve eager quidnuncs, and the evident anxiety which they endured, and the nice diplomacies to which they resorted, to obtain the envied journals.

I was obliged therefore to start early in the morning in order to arrive in time. On the way I paid a visit of ceremony to the Princess, at Cogollos, ate a mouthful of something, and turned off to Lerma. As soon as I arrived there, I went to the Marquis of Grimaldo's apartments. His chamber was at the end of a vast room, a piece of which had been portioned off, in order to serve as a chapel.

The show took place; horses and boxers were sent for, chiefly from Etruria. By the same king also spaces round the forum were portioned off for private individuals to build on; porticoes and shops were erected. He was also preparing to surround the city with a stone wall, when a Sabine war obstructed his designs.

There is a story of a London tradesman who lost custom after beautifying his premises, because his entrance went up a step; and we all know how great is the difference between open and shut doors when we walk along a street of shops. In a university a youth's hours are portioned out to him.

In spite of his parade of disinterestedness General Dupas yielded so far as to accept the twenty Louis a day for the expense of his table which M. Notting had offered him on the part of the Senate of Lubeck; but it was not without murmurings, complaints, and menaces that he made this generous concession; and he exclaimed more than once, "These fellows have portioned out my allowance for me."

As for Nick Barry, he lay overcome with sleep on a heap of the cut tobacco. And all the time not a light shone in any of Major Robert Beverly's windows, and the slave quarters were as still as the tomb. The store of ammunition in the tomb had been secretly removed and portioned out to the plant-cutters at nightfall.

Then exclaimed all the disciples together, "Alas, Lord, is this then the last Passover?" Jesus said unto them, "There is a cup which I will drink with you in the kingdom of God my Father. As it is written, 'Thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures." Then said Peter unto him, "Master, when this kingdom shall appear, how will the offices be portioned out?"