United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Besides, sir, you must remember, that a man can't quarrel with his own kin; and so many of them are their squire's brothers, or sons, or nephews. 'Or good friends with him, at least. 'Ay, sir, and, to do them justice, they had need, for the poor's sake, to keep good friends with the squire.

The artillery still already, and I could see long lines of troops Poor's and the Carolina brigade moving to the right. Night came on, however, without more fighting, and, as soon as we had recovered sufficiently, we devoted ourselves to the care of the wounded. It must have been ten o'clock, and, if I had slept at all, I was scarcely conscious of it.

Poor's brigade and some regiments from New Hampshire were ordered to meet them in front, while Morgan with his rifle corps made a circuit unperceived and seized a very advantageous height covered with wood on their right. As soon as it was supposed that Morgan had gained the ground he intended to occupy the attack was made in front and on the left in great force.

Splendid enterprises in which the few command the many may be an unmitigated curse. "Ye friends to truth, ye statesmen who survey The rich man's joys increase, the poor's decay; 'Tis yours to judge, how wide the limits stand, Between a splendid and a happy land." No enterprise, however brilliant, can be in the model state, that blesses the few by the losses of the many.

In our coming home Sir G. Carteret told me how in most cabaretts in France they have writ upon the walls in fair letters to be read, "Dieu te regarde," as a good lesson to be in every man's mind, and have also, as in Holland, their poor's box; in both which places at the making all contracts and bargains they give so much, which they call God's penny. 24th.

Charles Lane Poor's preliminary calculations, proved dubious on closer inquiry, and was rendered wholly inadmissible by the circumstances attending the return of Brooks's comet in 1896. The companion-objects watched by Barnard in 1889 had by that time, perhaps, become dissipated in space, for they were not redetected.

If they can't pay this year, they'll pay next; and if they die, their relations will pay their debts for them, a little at a time, till they've got it all paid off. They'll pay in wheat, or bring a steer, maybe, or baskets or mats the women make; but they'll pay. They're honester 'n the general run of Mexicans about paying; I mean Mexicans that are as poor's they are."

But as to giving to them beggars, it's what I don't approve; I pay the poor's rate, and that's what I call charity enough for any man. But for the matter of living well, and spending one's money handsomely, and having one's comforts about one, why it's a thing of another nature, and I can say this for myself, and that is, I never grudged myself any thing in my life.

Much Jansenist Theology afloat; grand French Ladies piously eager to convert a young Protestant Nobleman like Reuss; sublime Dorcases, who do not rouge, or dress high, but eschew the evil world, and are thrifty for the Poor's sake, redeeming the time. So many shining persons, now fallen indistinct again.

She'll kill ye," called out Bement, from the back of the room. But she paid no attention to this. Her fingers began to curve back like claws, and her hands assumed the same feline attitude as Mrs. Poor's. It was easy to see that the pluck of the little woman extorted a certain admiration from the very men who had fathers, sons and brothers in the cells beyond.