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He could beat Bertrand or Alexander Dumas himself with the small-sword: he was the dragon that watched this pomme d'or, and very few persons were now inclined to face a champion si redoutable.

"Pomme de Normandie." "Wine." "Ah! Voila! What wine? I do not wish to deceive you. Let us put, 'Wine from the wine-seller at the corner. And now we will sit down." As he was about to seat himself, she said: "You do not give me your arm to conduct me to the table.

Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn? DURING a journey that I once made through the Netherlands, I had arrived one evening at the Pomme d'Or, the principal inn of a small Flemish village. It was after the hour of the table d'hote, so that I was obliged to make a solitary supper from the relics of its ampler board.

J'ai vu le fils de Mars sous les traits de Paris, Et Venus qui donnait la pomme." And Amphitheatre and Lamps lapse wholly into darkness, and the thing has finished, for the time being. August 27th, it was repeated by daylight: if possible, more charming than ever; but not to be spoken of farther, under penalties.

History The garden vegetable known in this country as tomato and generally as tomate in continental Europe, is also known as Wolf-peach and Love Apple in England and America, and Liebesapfel in Germany, Pomme d'Amour in France, Pomo d'oro in Italy, Pomidor in Poland.

They must all come over there some day, and he would show them some Irish sport. He always went to Ireland for the fishing, and he came to Paris for the new Offenbach things. They always brought them out in Dublin, but he couldn't wait. He had been nine times to hear La Pomme de Paris.

"I die of thirst beside the fountain's edge," was but a poor performance. He would make better verses on the lee-side of a flagon at the sign of the Pomme du Pin, than in a cushioned settle in the halls of Blois. Charles liked change of place.

To do this, and to make the experiment of building a Utopian city, he had traveled to the summit of this knoll on the right bank of the Pomme de Terre. There never was a more beautiful landscape than that which Lindsleyville commanded.

And it will be a dinner-table, too, mark you; no tin pannikins, but silver and glass and linen and flowers, and food Man, think of the juicy fillet, done to a turn; the crisp pomme rissolé, and yes, a little spinach, I think, done delicately in the English way; none of your Neapolitan messes. I'm not certain about the bread whether little crusty white rolls or toast. What?

But the town did not grow, chiefly because it was so far beyond the border, though the conditions in his deeds intended to secure the character of the city from deterioration were so many that nobody would have been willing to buy the lots. At the time I speak of David Lindsley had dwelt on the Pomme de Terre for five years.