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The first was of ecclesiastics, the second contained those who were settled for command or trade, and the third were convicts, especially new Christians of Jewish blood, who were prevented from attending the sacred functions for a scandalous reason. Then ranked the Pomberos, or Pombeiros, mostly mulattoes, free men, and buyers of slaves; their morals seem to have been abominable.

Other presents were added the next day, but we gave nothing more; and the Pombeiros informed me that it was necessary to give largely, because they are accompanied by slaves and carriers who are no great friends to their masters; and if they did not secure the friendship of these petty chiefs, many slaves and their loads might be stolen while passing through the forests.

There are about forty Portuguese traders in this district, all of whom are officers in the militia, and many of them have become rich from adopting the plan of sending out Pombeiros, or native traders, with large quantities of goods, to trade in the more remote parts of the country.

No European ever accomplished it, though this fact has lately been quoted as if the men had been "PORTUGUESE". Captain Neves was now actively engaged in preparing a present, worth about fifty pounds, to be sent by Pombeiros to Matiamvo.

One of the Pombeiros had eight good-looking women in a chain whom he was taking to the country of Matiamvo to sell for ivory. They always looked ashamed when I happened to come near them, and must have felt keenly their forlorn and degraded position. I believe they were captives taken from the rebel Cassanges.

Leave Pungo Andongo Extent of Portuguese Power Meet Traders and Carriers Red Ants; their fierce Attack; Usefulness; Numbers Descend the Heights of Tala Mungongo Fruit-trees in the Valley of Cassange Edible Muscle Birds Cassange Village Quinine and Cathory Sickness of Captain Neves' Infant A Diviner thrashed Death of the Child Mourning Loss of Life from the Ordeal Wide-spread Superstitions The Chieftainship Charms Receive Copies of the "Times" Trading Pombeiros Present for Matiamvo Fever after westerly Winds Capabilities of Angola for producing the raw Materials of English Manufacture Trading Parties with Ivory More Fever A Hyaena's Choice Makololo Opinion of the Portuguese Cypriano's Debt A Funeral Dread of disembodied Spirits Beautiful Morning Scenes Crossing the Quango Ambakistas called "The Jews of Angola" Fashions of the Bashinje Approach the Village of Sansawe His Idea of Dignity The Pombeiros' Present Long Detention A Blow on the Beard Attacked in a Forest Sudden Conversion of a fighting Chief to Peace Principles by means of a Revolver No Blood shed in consequence Rate of Traveling Slave Women Way of addressing Slaves Their thievish Propensities Feeders of the Congo or Zaire Obliged to refuse Presents Cross the Loajima Appearance of People; Hair Fashions.

If he became an authority on Herodotus, Pliny, Ptolemy, Strabo, and Pomponious Mela, he became equally an authority on Bruce, Sonnini, Lacerda, the Pombeiros, Monteiro and Gamitto. From Ptolemy downwards writers and travellers had prayed for the unveiling of Isis, that is to say, the discovery of the sources of the Nile; but for two thousand years every effort had proved fruitless.

Finding the progress of Senhor Pascoal and the other Pombeiros excessively slow, I resolved to forego his company to Cabango after I had delivered to him some letters to be sent back to Cassange. I went forward with the intention of finishing my writing, and leaving a packet for him at some village.