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"Did you notice how that big poley bullock had come on, Dad?" "Yes, he's three parts fat," said Mr. Linton. "All very satisfactory, and the count is only two short not bad for a rough muster."

"If I land on my feet I'll be all right, for they're big and soft, like sofa cushions, but if I land on my head " "That's softer yet, Poley," laughed the Flamingo, who appeared to be less concerned than anybody. "If you land on your head it will be just as if you fell into a great bowl of oatmeal, so you're all right." "I'm not afraid for myself," said the Poker.

Speed had to be reduced when they turned into High Street; but Constable Poley Cantor turned his back on them as they swung around the corner into the street leading directly down to Pine Cove. Janice left Nelson in the car at the door, and ran into the cottage with the anxious father. Mrs. Narnay sat with the child on her lap, rocking herself slowly to and fro, and weeping.

First there came an old easygoing red poley cow, then a dusty white cow; then two shaggy, half-grown calves who seemed already to have lost all interest in existence and after them a couple of "babies," sleek, glossy, and cheerful; then three more tired-looking cows, with ragged udders and hollow sides; then a lanky barren heifer red, of course with half-blind eyes and one crooked horn she was noted for her great agility in jumping two-rail fences, and she was known to the selector as "Queen Elizabeth;" and behind her came a young cream-coloured milker a mighty proud and contented young mother painfully and patiently dragging her first calf, which was hanging obstinately to a teat, with its head beneath her hind legs.

Now Poley, and both the Blounts, were, in reality, Papists, and in intimate correspondence with the agents of the Queen of Scots, both at home and abroad, although "forced to fawn upon Leicester, to see if they might thereby live quiet."

Then the bailiff's man rounded up the cows and the horses, and Dad and the lot of us leant against the fence and in sadness watched Polly and old Poley and the rest for the last time pass out the slip-rails. "That puts an end to the land business!" Dave said gloomily. But Dad never spoke. We Embark in the Bear Industry.

Next fold over about three fingers' width of the dough. Brush the upper surface of this fold with melted butter and strew with mixed fruit and almonds. Fold over again and repeat the operation until the whole of the dough is folded up in layer somewhat resembling a flattened, roley poley pudding.

My word, what a forehand he's got; and what quarters, too. If he can't gallop I'll never say I know a horse from a poley cow. 'You shall have him, or as good, never fear, if you stick to your work, says father. 'You mustn't cross Starlight, for he's a born devil when he's taken the wrong way, though he talks so soft.

Stir this all together in one direction until quite thick and then stir in the beaten whites to which you must add two ounces of sifted flour and one-quarter of a pound of melted butter. Fill the tartlets and bake. The poppy seed filling in Mohn Roley Poley may be used in the Mohn Wachtel if so desired.

There was one Poley, a trusted servant of Lady Sidney, then living in the house of her father Walsingham, during Sir Philip's absence, who was in close communication with Lord Montjoy's brother, Blount, then high in favour of Queen Elizabeth "whose grandmother she might be for his age and hers" and with another brother Christopher Blount, at that moment in confidential attendance upon Lord Leicester in Holland.