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Almost at the same time, her husband, the baron, having been invited to attend the opening of a provincial exhibition in the neighboring Empire of Austria, was so carried away by enthusiasm, due to the kindness with which the Poles present were treated by Emperor Francis-Joseph, that forgetting all he owed to Emperor William, he publicly hailed Francis-Joseph as "sole sovereign of all Polish hearts," and as "Poland's future king!"

It is not time yet to proceed further, so we will walk about the gardens." "Is the great King here today?" asked Poland's ruler. "I do not know; but the council will sit and transact all needed business.

He had pieced together, with the slow accuracy that Deulin envied him, the small scraps of information obtained from one source or another in Warsaw, in London from Captain Cable, in St. Petersburg from half a dozen friends. This was Poland's opportunity. A sudden inspiration had led him to look for the centre of the evil, not in Warsaw, but in St. Petersburg.

"Without money I may never draw that salary." "You don't mean you'll fail! You don't mean that, Ross?" He bowed gravely. "But it's impossible. Why, everybody will vote for you almost everybody. Joe alone will give you two hundred votes." "It will require more than Little Poland's good-will to elect me," he smiled grimly. "You must buy votes?" "Yes." "And you have nothing?"

The message that was brought to him was that his wife and child had been murdered on the road. Believing this to be true, he went on with his regiment before they arrived at Smolensk with henceforth only one aim in life to avenge Poland's wrongs.

"As you are strangers and wish to rest for the night, you will please alight and receive that which you need. Your horses will be taken care of. Come." They drove along a road leading to a large house. Grooms took charge of the horses, and they themselves were ushered into a room, which, for convenience and beauty of finish, was not surpassed even by the king of Poland's own palaces.

The old Jew-baiter Stashitz, a member of the Warsaw Government who served on the Commission of Public Instruction and Religious Denominations, resumed his attacks on Judaism. In 1816 he published an article under the title "Concerning the Causes of the Obnoxiousness of the Jews," in which he asserted that the Jews were responsible for Poland's decline.

It was far more probable that he had a fireproof safe in the room upstairs, perhaps built into the wall. Yet, according to Poland's account, it was in this room and not in any other that death came to Diamond Fred. The wall-hangings first engaged Durham's attention. He moved them aside systematically, one after another, seeking for any hiding-place, but failing to find one.

Poland's death was received, he tried to comfort her by words that were so peculiarly elegant and sombre, that, in spite of Laura's wishes to think otherwise, they struck her like an elegiac address that had been carefully prearranged and studied; and when the tidings of poor little Bertha's death came, it would occur to Laura that Mr.

It is only in the last generation that efforts have been made to create a tendency towards separation, which would indeed serve no one but Poland's common enemies. And, strangely enough, it is the internationalists, men who professedly care nothing for race or country, who have set themselves this task of disruption, one can easily see for what sinister purpose.