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If we were to assure these proprietors, for the term of the natural lives, a comfortable and tranquil life, it would suffice to make the indemnity meet all the requirements of the most rigorous equity. LORIA, La Teoria economica della constituzione politica, Turin, 1886. p. 141.

Thus have I discharged my conscience and my lumber-room of all your property, save and except a folio entitled Tyrrell's "Bibliotheca Politica," which you used to learn your politics out of when you wrote for the Post, mutatis mutandis, i. e., applying past inferences to modern data.

However, 'ce qui est differe n'est pas perdu'; for this matter must be taken up again, and concluded before the meeting of the parliament, and probably upon more disadvantageous terms to the present Ministers, who have tacitly admitted, by this negotiation, what their enemies have loudly proclaimed, that they are not able to carry on affairs. So much 'de re politica'.

The king's name would be a tower of strength for that "third party," which began to rear its head very boldly and to call itself "Politica." Madam League might succumb to this new rival in the fickle hearts of the French.

The second edition of D'Aubigné is the poorer for being shorn of these caustic passages. The Jesuit Keller's Admonitio ad Ludovicum XIII. , and the same author's Mysteria Politica, , were both sentenced to be burnt; also the Jesuit Sanctarel's Tractatus de Hæresi , which claimed for the Pope the right to dispose, not only of the thrones, but also of the lives of princes.

Si es esa la forma de respeto y consideración que perdería la mujer por dedicarse a la política, ella debe celebrarlo, porque todas esas fórmulas insustanciales de galantería no pasan de ser lo que el cacareo del gallo para sorprender y asaltar repentinamente a la descuidada gallina. ¿Ni como puede, en verdad, inspirar respeto la debilidad y la ignorancia?

La política no es una ocupación permanente que pueda absorber el tiempo de una persona que tiene otros negocios regulares que atender. De hecho, con excepción de los funcionarios políticos y ciertos profesionales, la mayoría de los ciudadanos no emplea en política más que el tiempo puramente preciso que le permiten sus ocupaciones ordinarias.

The duke's summary dealing with the sixteen tyrants of Paris in the matter of the president's murder had, however, loosened his hold on what was considered the democracy; but this was at the time when his schemes were silently swinging towards the Protestant aristocracy; at the moment when Politica was taking the place of Madam League in his secret affections.

La educación política, lejos de perjudicar los encantos naturales de la mujer los realzará, a mi juicio, por la misma razón y motivo que la educación actual de la mujer moderna le ha dado otros encantos que no poseía la mujer antigua.

He ranks among unfortunate authors on account of his work entitled De Ecclesiastica et Politica, potestate , which aroused the anger of the Pope and his Cardinals, and involved him in many difficulties.