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And yet, here on the "Plutonia," were at least a dozen men, men of dignity and manner, who sported monocles and acted as if they were used to them. The first evening before we left port, one or two were in evidence; the next afternoon, in the Lounge, there were more.

"This is the steamer. I know it doesn't look like one, but it is. This is the 'Plutonia' and we are on board at last." Two hours later we leaned together over the rail and watched the lights of New York grow fainter behind us. Hephzibah drew a deep breath. "It is so," she said. "It is really so. We ARE, aren't we, Hosy." "We are," said I. "There is no doubt of it."

But when at last she began to believe at least to the extent of believing that I had sent the telegram her next remark was characteristic. "But I I can't go, Hosy," declared Hephzibah. "I CAN'T. Who who would take care of the cat and the hens?" In Which Hephzy and I and the Plutonia Sail Together

A new genus of trilobite called Plutonia Sedgwickii, not yet figured and described, has been met with in the Harlech grits. It is comparable in size to the large Paradoxides Davidis before mentioned, has well-developed eyes, and is covered all over with tubercles.

This was the case at Cumæ where Æneas consulted the Sybil, and at Colonus; while at Hierapolis in Phrygia there was a famous "Plutonium," which could only be safely approached by the priests of Cybele. It was situated under a temple of Apollo, a real entrance to Hades; and it is doubtless to this that Cicero refers when he speaks of the deadly "Plutonia" he had seen in Asia.

People will know the difference!" "People will never see you," returned the calm voice of Mrs. De Peyster. "The Plutonia sails at one to-night. You will go on board with my trunks late this evening, heavily veiled. Since no one must see you on the way over, you must of course, keep to your cabin. You must be seasick." "But I am never seasick!" cried Olivetta.

"And your passage is taken on the Plutonia and it has been widely announced that you are leaving for Europe and that newspaper is going to print your picture among the social leaders who have sailed and, oh, Caroline, all those reporters are going to fill the papers with long articles about your going!" A new horror, that till then had escaped Mrs.

And the Immortals of our time, how soon shall they be dead and buried, think you? How many will survive? How long shall it be ere Nox et Domus Plutonia shall overtake them? So away went the pleased party to Covent Garden to see the tragedy of the immortal John Home. The ladies and the General were conveyed in a glass coach, and found the young men in waiting to receive them at the theatre door.

"But you're not going to have them. You've been alone too much. You need a change. If I know the 'Plutonia' and I've crossed on her four times you're going to have it." He burst into a roar of laughter. We were in a cab, fortunately, or his behavior would have attracted attention. I could have choked him. "You imbecile!" I cried.

On board the "Plutonia," with its unusually large quota of millionaires and personages, the bidding was lively and the prices paid for favored numbers high. Needless to say I was not one of the bidders. My interest was merely casual. The auctioneer that evening was a famous comedian with an international reputation and his chatter, as he urged his hearers to higher bids, was clever and amusing.