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For example: if his tastes and capacities fit a certain boy for merely a mechanical pursuit that requires but little academic learning, such as carpentry, plumbing, blacksmithing, brick laying, etc., he should, relatively early in the adolescent period, be thus guided, and not forced to attempt an academic course that can have no possible meaning to him.

'You'd better call somebody in to look at your plumbing what you been drinkin', Shadder? "'Read for yourself, says Shadder, and he handed him the letter. "Wish't you could have seen old Smithy's face as he read it! He thought his pardner had been cut out of his herd for ever. "'It's the God's truth, Red, says he slowly, and he had a sideways smile on his face as he turned to Shadder.

From the time you sat in that game to save that poor young fool from being fleeced until you dove into that black hole and throttled that skunk " "They caught him, did they?" "Caught him! They had to pry him loose! You have got the grip of the devil himself. The police surgeon told me they would have to put a whole new set of plumbing in his throat.

There was a bureau; to his certain knowledge it contained no secret whatever. There were a few giltless chairs, and a white "wash-stand," a mere basin and slab with exposed plumbing.

Then he dwelt for many years in the mountains, gazing into the dark mirror of his heart, plumbing the blue ocean of the sky until the hour for which he longed arrived, bringing Wisdom, who appeared to him as a young, fair being in the twilight. Leaving his hut he came forth to meet her. "I had thought to greet you at noonday," said he.

Now you see more of private life in the house-painting line than in any other bar plumbing and gasfitting; but I'll tell you about my house-painting experiences some other time. "There was a young chap named Jack Drew editing the 'Advertiser' then. He belonged to the district, but had been sent to Sydney to a grammar school when he was a boy.

He bellowed his liberty, as it were, over Kate's shoulder. He strode, he swaggered he had not known such a glorious feeling of independence since he left off plumbing. And he could go back to it if he had to! Mr. Butefish stopped in the middle of the floor and showed his teeth at an invisible audience of advertisers and subscribers. The article came out exactly as written.

Against the intensest cold this side of Labrador it is perfectly hardy, is trimmed with a sloping top to shed snows whose weight might mutilate it, and can be kept in repair from generation to generation, like the house's plumbing or roof, or like some green-uniformed pet regiment with ranks yet full after the last of its first members has perished.

Nancy lingered on the landing of the fine old staircase, white banistered with a mahogany hand-rail, that turned only once before it led into the region up-stairs. "I'd rather see the kitchen," she said. "The kitchen isn't the thing that I'm proudest of. Its plumbing is early English, or Scottish, I'm afraid. I think this arrangement up here is delightful.

I tremble when I think of the painters, but I rejoice at my watchfulness when I reflect on the plumbing. The chances for leaking and freezing and bursting; the hidden pipes and secret crooks that were possible and only avoided by constant oversight!