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When Melas scattered the grain, they followed with rakes and scratched a layer of earth over the seeds. The crows watched the planting with much interest. "Look at them," cried Dion to his Father one afternoon. "There are five of them on that tree yonder, and the minute we get to one end of the field they begin to scratch up the grain at the other." "We'll fix them," said Melas shortly.

The failure of 1845 did not prevent the people from planting potatoes very largely in 1846, in which year, according to one account, the quantity of land under potatoes in Ireland, was one million two hundred and thirty seven thousand four hundred and forty one acres; the produce being valued at £15,947,919 sterling; but according to another account it was very much larger, being, as estimated by the Earl of Rosse, two millions one hundred thousand acres, valued at £33,600,000.

"For a century," says Charles Lemprière, an able writer on Mexico, "the city continued to increase in numbers, wealth, and power, so that when Captain John Smith and his followers were looking for gold mines in Virginia and the Pilgrims were planting corn in Massachusetts, an empire had been founded and built up on the same continent by the Spaniards, and the most stupendous system of plunder the world ever saw was then and there in vigorous operation."

I can never cease to wonder at his capacity for hard work. I do not often see him now, for he has great affairs on his hands, while I live like a farmer away from active happenings in business, playing golf, planting trees; and yet I am so busy that no day is long enough. Speaking of Mr.

The trees make a rapid growth, come into bearing very early, often bearing a fair crop three years after planting, and fruiting even earlier. The fruit of the early varieties has usually a handsome appearance, but lacks keeping qualities, but the later fruits are both handsome, high-coloured fruit, and good keepers.

This brings us to the last one of our preventive measures for the decline of our forests, the one which needs the most careful attention of all the replanting of the lands that are not fitted for agriculture, and planting trees about houses and unoccupied spaces.

Though taken by surprise, outnumbered, and half-armed, Hardrada did not lose courage. He sent messengers to summon the rest of his men, and planting in the midst his banner, Land-Waster, ranged his troops round it in a circle, with the ends of their spears resting on the ground, and the points turned outward.

The crab agreed, and planting the seed in his garden went out every day to watch it grow. By-and-by the ape came to visit the crab, and seeing the fine tree laden with the yellow-brown fruit, begged a few. The crab, asking pardon of the ape, said he could not climb the tree to offer him any, but agreed to give the ape half, if he would mount the tree and pluck them.

I expected some admonitory allusion to this achievement when next I saw the Pope, but no notice was ever taken of it either by the superior or the lower authorities, and so far as I know the church of my planting flourished as long as the city remained under the Papal rule, but with no more of my watering.

"What are you doing there?" he asked, and his artistic eye feasted on the beauty of this charming pair. "We are planting a rose-bush," said the boy, undaunted. The Emperor smiled, and said, "What is your name?" "Hans Le Fevre, sir." "And the little one, is she your sister?" "No, she is Marie, our neighbor's child." "Ah! you like each other very much?"