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"For cowardice." "A worse exhibition than Val's?" "Isabel, you are pitiless!" "Because Val deserves justice not mercy. It's his due: he died to earn it." Hyde was silent, not thoroughly understanding her. "He wasn't a coward when he died," said Isabel with her sweet half melancholy smile.

Yet I knew also that pitiless, unemotional statistics would reveal an average attendance on her part of rather less than ten times in the course of each year.

The Khalifa slept in rear of the centre of his host, surrounded by his generals. Suddenly the whole scene was lit by a pale glare. Abdullah and the chiefs sprang up. Everything around them was bathed in an awful white illumination. Far away by the river there gleamed a brilliant circle of light the cold, pitiless eye of a demon.

The pitiless sun overhead beat on us all with tropic impartiality, and the hungry sharks, whose fins scored the limitless Pacific stretching out on every side, were impelled by an appetite that made no exceptions as to sex.

The girl was handsome beyond dispute, thoroughbred as a young countess, despite her birth and bringing up in a New England town and Yankee boarding-house, with pride enough for a princess of forty quarterings, but how would she come forth from the fiery furnace of all those pitiless eyes, sharpened to points to watch for gaucheries and solecisms of good breeding from the merciless tongues that would hang, draw, and quarter her, the instant their owners were out of the house.

The constellations, singularly distinct and splendid, had the power to fix and fascinate my vision never felt before as they shone above me, clear and crystalline as enthroned in space judges, and spectators, cold and pitiless as it seemed to me, in the strangeness and forlornness of my condition Arcturus, and the Ursas, great and little, and Lyra, and the Corona Borealis, Berenice, and Hydra, and Cassiopea's chair; these and many more.

The Western hoodlum who cuts the tail from a Chinaman's nowl, and would cut the nowl from the body, if he dared, is simply a patriot with a logical mind, having the courage of his opinions. Patriotism is fierce as a fever, pitiless as the grave and blind as a stone.

Nimrod scoffed at me. The track was still plain, he said; but I could not read the hieroglyphics at my feet, and there was no room in my mind for confidence or hope. Fear filled it all. There we were with the mighty forces of the insensate world around, so pitiless, so silently cruel, it seemed to my city-bred soul.

But hearken, O Death! Is not this my life hard enough, is not that dull land that stretches its sneering web about me cold enough, is not all the world beyond these four little walls pitiless enough, but that thou must needs enter here, thou, O Death?

As he bade them good-by, he groaned, "Oh, God! will it never be morning? If only it were light, I am sure I should find some trace of her." But, when the morning broke, the pitiless lake shone clear and still, and all the hopelessness of his search flashed on the bereaved man's mind: he dropped his oars, and gazed vacantly over the rippleless surface.