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She spent most of her time there dwelling upon her sins and longing to be good. She did not know that the starched pinafore that scratched her neck, the tightness of her heavy braid of hair, and the stiffness of her Sunday boots contributed not a little to her inner discomfort. But she gave her undivided attention to Miss Robertson and the lesson.

"Oh, what is it?" cried Polly, as they scampered off. There, in the centre of the market-place, was a ring of little girls, hand-in-hand, singing a little French song, and going round and round in a circle. They were of all ages and sizes, the littlest one in a blue pinafore, being about three years of age, and so chubby she had to be helped along continually by a big girl, evidently her sister.

She was quite unconscious of the fact that there dwelt in her mind not a little of Aunt Margaret's pride the feeling that it was infinitely better to be a Gordon in a dun-colored pinafore than a Price in a silk sash and a flower-trimmed hat. She soon forgot all about Katie in her absorption in the lesson.

This was not the Honora with whom he had left the house scarce three hours before! The cambric dress, to be sure, was still no longer than the tops of her ankles and the hair still hung in a heavy braid down her back. These were positively all that remained of the original Honora, and the change had occurred in the incredibly brief space required for the production of the opera "Pinafore."

She did not know which peg to take out, neither did she care to return into the kitchen with an empty vessel. She ventured cautiously to pull out one of the pins. It fitted tightly. She jerked on it. The peg came out; so did the cider. She hastily replaced the peg in its place, but the cider spurted all over her clean white pinafore. Timidly, she went back to the kitchen. "I did not know how to "

That's what it is. And these were the rooms he'd settled for them. Jane is a quiet little girl with a fringe and a white pinafore, and Pehebe has a sash and cries about things, and Christopher is a strong boy in socks." "Stockings," Rupert said. "He's the oldest." "He isn't. He's the baby. He wears socks. He's not so smooth as the others, and look, poor Mr.

Hansi trembled with excitement. "What's the use of getting so lively, Hansi?" said her big brother Paul despondently. "You know quite well that we are not to have any tree this year. I shall get a new pair of boots, and you a pinafore; these we should have to have anyway. That's not what I call a merry Christmas."

Bhaer, as she tied Daisy's broad-brimmed hat, and settled the great blue pinafore in which she had enveloped Nan. But the plan did not succeed, for Rob had heard the bustle, decided to go, and prepared himself, without a thought of disappointment.

Her cotton frock hung in straight lines down to her ankles, displaying her clumsily shod feet and woolen stockings; above it was a pinafore a regular child's pinafore, of the cheap, strong, blue-speckled print which in those days was generally worn.

I've done my best. And you know smoking is a vile habit." Mr. Reed had long ago learned the wisdom of silence, which was even better than a soft answer. Charles put on a pinafore that hung in the kitchen closet. He could dry dishes beautifully. "You've been cutting behind on stages," said his mother. "Some one has told your father." "No, I haven't. Upon my word and honor."