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So off he started, while his brother was getting the chocolate at the store, and pretty soon Curly came to the place where the lady bug school teacher had her classes of animal children in a hollow stump. Curly knocked at the door, and when the teacher came to open it he made his best bow. "Well, what is it, little piggie boy?" asked the teacher, kindly.

Faster and faster he slid down the cellar door. It was a long one, and now he was half way to the bottom. "Oh, won't we have fun sliding after school!" the little piggie boy cried. "I don't see why they looked rather sorrowfully after her brothers and put up that sign not to slide. This is the best cellar door I ever saw."

"Do you know me, Uncle Wiggily?" asked the piggie boy. "You see I am in a book. 'Once upon a time there were three little pigs, and " "I know all about you," interrupted Uncle Wiggily. "I have met Mother Goose, and also your two brothers." "They didn't know how to build the right kind of houses, and so the wolf got them," said Twisty-Tail.

And with that he started to throw Flop out of the window, but the little piggie boy cried: "Oh, what shall I do? Will no one help me?" "Yes, of course. I will!" answered a voice, and then that queer object, which Flop had thought was a stone, began to move.

"Neither, mamma," answered the piggie boy. "But I would like something to amuse me." "All right," answered the pig lady. "Then I'll send Flop Ear down to the store to get you a toy. Come Floppy," she called, "go and get something with which to amuse your brother," for you see Flop hadn't yet been vaccinated, and his arm was not sore. "What would you like?" asked Flop of his brother.

"Oh, I'm not afraid, mamma," said the little piggie boy. "If he comes after me I'll throw corn meal dust in his nose and make him sneeze, and then he can't see to catch me." "Very well," said Mrs. Twistytail, so she gave Flop the money for the bag of meal. Off he started to the store, while his brother, Curly, went back in the yard to play hop-skip-and-jump, all by himself.

You see, Curly Tail and Flop Ear had come back from Raccoon Island at Lake Hopatcong, where they went to visit Uncle Wiggily Longears, the old gentleman rabbit, while a new roof was being put on their school in place of the one that had blown off. The piggie boys had now been back for some little time, and in a few days school would open again.

"There he goes," said Curly Tail, showing her the alligator, who was swimming away, and Edna was glad she had not seen it when on the boat or she knew she surely would have fainted. Then she went on to her grandmother's, after thanking Curly Tail, and the little piggie boy went back to the bungalow.

He was rolling down his sleeve, and Dr. Possum was putting away the toothpick with which he had vaccinated the little piggie boy, when, all of a sudden, into the room jumped a big fuzzy fox, crying out: "Oh, Joy! Oh, good luck! Oh, hungriness! Here I have a pig dinner and an opossum dinner all at once! Oh, happiness!" Then he made a jump, and was just going to grab Dr.

Isn't it funny how those bad creatures seem to always bother the piggie boys? Every once in a while something is happening to them. I can't help it. I wish I could, but you know I have to write things exactly as they happen. Anyhow, out from behind the bushes jumped the wolf, and as soon as he saw those sweet, tender little piggies he exclaimed: "Oh joy! Oh, happiness! Oh, appetite!