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"My winter garden is almost full, but there's a spot where I can put a few violets. Poor Mr. Bill asked for a geranium for his window, so I let him take one." "Oh, let me pot them for you," begged Betty, eager to be of service. "Send Petunia for the trowel, and I'll choose you a lovely plant. It's too bad to see all the dear verbenas bitten by the frost."

"You wasn't out on those clam flats alone, was you?" he asked, addressing Barbara. She nodded. "Petunia and I went all alone," she said. "It was kind of wet so we took off our shoes and stockings and paddled. I I don't know's I remembered to tell you that part, Mamma," she added, hastily. "I I guess it must have slipped my mind." But Mrs. Armstrong was watching Jed's face.

You'll know that that part of me ain't got out of bed yet, that's all." Barbara leaned her chin on both small fists and gazed at him. "Uncle Jed," she said, "you've been thinking about something, haven't you?" "Eh? . . . Why, yes, I I guess likely maybe I have. How did you know?" "Oh, 'cause I did. Petunia and I know you ever and ever so well now and we're used to to the way you do.

"But but it was I that wanted you badly in this case," he answered with an echo of the laugh. But even under the laugh I saw signs of excitement in his deep eyes and his long, lean hands shook as they handed me his cup to pour the coffee. Jasper had laid his silver and napkin in front of him and retired to admonish Petunia as to the exact crispness of her first waffle. "What is it?"

Grove's dominating slimness emerged by degrees, like a rare flower from leaves of quiet gold. They sat facing each other. At a table on Lee's left, on a floor a foot higher, sat a woman, Spanish in color, with a face like a crumpled petunia. The girls of a larger party, beyond Savina Grove, were young, with the vigorous nakedness of their shoulders and backs traced by black cobwebs of lace.

It is very wonderful that anything so small as a pollen grain, often as small as the tiniest speck of dust, should be able to transmit to the young seed the peculiarities of the plant from which it came. That it does this, the child himself can prove in a most interesting way. He can plant some white petunia seeds in one side of his garden, and some red ones in the other.

Armstrong and Barbara left a moment later, the lady saying that she and Mr. Winslow would have another interview next day. Barbara gravely shook hands with both men. "I and Petunia hope awfully that we are going to live here, Mr. Winslow," she said, "'specially Petunia." Jed regarded her gravely. "Oh, she wants to more'n you do, then, does she?" he asked. The child looked doubtful.

I could hear the Petunia's happy giggle, answering Jasper's guttural pleasantries, out on the cabin porch behind the row of lilac bushes. I do hope that Petunia gets much and the right sort of courting during this week that Jasper has allowed her!

He brought a rose-bush and a petunia for Nannie, and made a shelf for them by the window, and the beauteous buds came thick and fast, shedding out their fragrance in the sunny room, and making it still more delightful to Nannie.

I had two kings and two pieces on the next to last row, and you are nearly drowned. You'll get your death of cold and and he had only one king." She led me away and I undressed and washed myself and put on my Sunday clothes. When I reappeared I went out on deck with Euphemia. The boarder was there, standing by the petunia bed. His arms were folded and he was thinking profoundly.