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The Count de Perche was offered his life, but swearing that he would yield to no English traitor, he was instantly slain, and the Fair of Lincoln, as it was called, completely broke the strength of Louis. He wrote word to his wife and father of his perilous situation, shut up within the walls of London, and the whole country in possession of Henry, and entreated them to send him reinforcements.

Yet the two towns are both there, each in its old place, though in official speech we have no longer to speak of the Avranchin, but of the department of La Manche, no longer of Perche, but of the department of Orne.

The damo for so a sweetheart is termed in Tuscany trembles until he has gained the approval of his future mother-in-law, and forbids the girl he is courting to leave her house to talk to him at night: Dice che tu affacci alia finestra; Ma non dice che tu vada fuora, Perchè, la notte, è cosa disonesta. All the language of his love is respectful.

"Amo il zeffiro, perche a lui suo nome confido," she sang, as she turned listlessly to go to her chamber; and despite what she had said and said with perfect sincerity to her adopted father it may be feared that the suo did not refer in the singer's mind to the Marchese Lamberto.

To his other brother, Geoffrey, he gave the archbishopric of York, carrying out a wish which Henry had expressed in his last moments; and Matilda, the daughter of Henry the Lion, was given as his bride to another Geoffrey, the heir of the county of Perche, a border land whose alliance would be of importance in case of trouble with France.

He might have been saved; but hearing that his sister, the Countess of Perche, still remained on board, he ordered the boat in which he was escaping to put back to rescue her. On arriving alongside, so large a number of people jumped into the boat, that she was swamped, and all were lost.

The ruffian shut the door, took a chair, and said to the stranger, in a rough and coarse voice: "Perche me disturba? Why do you disturb me? Who are you?" This question was very embarrassing to the stranger. He replied, stammering: "Is it necessary, Signor Bufferio, that you should know my name before doing me a service for which I will pay you liberally?"

In Beauce and Perche, two neighbouring districts of France to the south-west of Paris, the midsummer bonfires have nearly or wholly disappeared, but formerly they were commonly kindled and went by the name of the "fires of St. John." The site of the bonfire was either the village square or beside the cross in the cemetery.

"Well, you go back to those who sent you here and say with the compliments of Monsieur Philidor that the roads of the Perche are dangerous after dark. I've every right to break your head, and if I meet you again I'll do it. Comprenez?" The man eyed Markham's stick dubiously again and then, with a glance toward the pair in the bushes, silently walked away.

It was said that William would have escaped if he had not turned back at the cries of his sister, Henry's natural daughter, the Countess of Perche. All on board were drowned except a butcher of Rouen. Never perished in any similar calamity so large a number of persons of rank.